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Tracy had ended up staying.

Sadie hadn't minded that. Having an ex-care kid around the place wasn't that bad. And she was way more lenient than Mike, and definitely Gina.

But at the moment, there were no care workers in the room. Just Sadie, Sapphire, Harry, Frank and Liam.

Harry was watching a kid's programme, but Liam soon said. "Harry, turn this off, let's watch the Top Man movies instead!"

"Oh, shove off, Lydia, let him watch it," Sadie rolled her eyes.

Sapphire snorted. "What did you just call him?"

"Lydia," the girl explained. "He wants to call me 'Shady', that's fine. I'll give him a new name."

"Suits me," Liam retorted, trying to get ahold of the TV remote again.

"No! Sapphire!" Harry shouted immediately.

"Let him watch it, Liam," Sapphire warned.

"Lydia," corrected Sadie.

"Yeah, that's right, Shady," Liam rolled his eyes, muttering to Frank. "We should get our own TV, and DVD player."

Sapphire scoffed. "Go find someone else to bullshit, Liam."

"I'm not!" Liam shouted. "If I was bullshitting you, I'd tell you I loved Sadie."

"Excuse me, what the fuck?" Sadie demanded.

"Whatever," Liam rolled his eyes. "Point is, we're getting out own TV.c

"You just gonna pull the money out your arse, or what?" Sadie raised her eyebrows. "Oh, wait, you've got a stick so far up it you couldn't."

"Oh haha, very funny," Liam snapped.

"Right guys, house meeting, in the kitchen!" Tracy announced, sticking her head into the room.

"But we're watching this!" Liam and Frank yelled.

"Now!" Tracy said forcefully.

Sadie smirked at Liam as she headed out the room.

"Bad luck, Lydia."


The meeting turned out to be about cleaning, and the rota the house was on. Sadie slid herself into a seat next to Johnny as Tracy, at the head of the table, said. "As Gina says, let's think of the washing up as a game, or tidying your room as a challenge. That way it can be fun."

Everyone looked at her miserably.

"Do you want to live in a pigsty?" Tracy demanded.

"I just don't feel like tidying my room, Tracy," Harry sighed.

"Well, we all have to do things we don't feel like doing, even Jeff," Tracy said, referring to the toy girrafe Harry had that was his best friend. "Tell you what, why don't you tidy your room, and I'll put a gold star in your file?"

Harry nodded, grinning as he grabbed Jeff and ran off towards his room.

As he left, Johnny perked up, asking. "Can me, Sadie and Tee have gold stars too?"

Of course, this set off a load of laughter and jokes, and made Sadie roll her eyes.

"Leave him alone!" She shouted. "If he wants gold stars, he wants gold stars!"

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now