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Sadie had no idea why Liam was leading her, blindfolded, somewhere, but she hoped it was good.

It had been around a year since Mike's wedding, and Sadie hadn't been to Ashdene Ridge since then.

She didn't really have a reason to.

But live hadn't really moved on that much. Sadie was now on placement, and Liam was getting good deals for agents, and they were still together and loving each other and keeping each other safe.

Nothing had really changed there, then.

"Liam, where the fuck are we going?" Sadie asked, wanting more than anything to take the blindfold off.

"You'll see," was Liam's answer.

And boy, she did.

He led her a few more steps, her still having no idea where he was taking her, then he said. "Right, you can take the blindfold off in one... two... three... go!"

And she did.

"What the-?"

Her surroundings focused immediately.

They were in the garden of Ashdene Ridge, right near the oak tree.

"Liam, what's going-?"

Then Sadie froze.

Liam was on the ground, on one knee.

There was a ring box in his hand, and in it, there was a ring.

It was beautiful. A ruby was set in the middle, and two diamonds adorned the outside of it.

Sadie was in shock.

He's- he's-

"Do you remember that time I got community service and had to work in that old folk's home?" Liam asked. "Remember Spooner? Cause he gave me this. It was his wife's, and he said I should use it to propose to you when I was ready."

And Sadie did remember. But she was frozen in shock. That was- that was fucking years ago. They had broken up in that time, and he still kept it?

"And now I'm ready," Liam said, taking a deep breath.

"Sadie Elizabeth Taylor, I can't imagine why I ever hated you," he began. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, the smartest, and the most sassy and strong. You've been knocked down so many times in your life, but you've never let that get to you, ever. And all I want to do in this world is protect you, because you're the love of my life; the best person I've ever known.

"And now I'm asking you to stay with me forever," Liam finished. "Forever, Sades. I want you to wear my hoodies, and snuggle yourself into me, and let me calm you down, and press kisses to your forehead and cheek.  I want you forever, I just want you, Sades."

He took a deep breath. "Will you marry me?"

And there was never a doubt in Sadie's mind.


She wanted all of those things too, by god she did. And she wanted more.

She always wanted him with her, always by her side.

She never wanted him to leave her.

And now he was asking her not to.

The answer was already out her mouth, but she never had any intentions of stopping it.


And as Liam took her hand, placed the ring onto it, got up, held her and kissed her like he had never done before, she knew she had made the right decision.

It would always be them. Forever, now.

And she wouldn't have it any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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