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"Right, what the fuck are we gonna do with these?" Sadie raised her eyebrows at all the other kids, holding up a bag of manky bread and a tub of off beans.

"What do you think? Eat them," Toby replied.

"Um, let's not, they're rank," Sapphire wrinkled her nose.

"Okay, let's make a tower," Liam smirked, going forward to get the tub from Sadie.

It was around a month since Tracy had almost left, and in that month, the council had made a lot of budget cuts in care homes across town. This meaning that Mike and Gina had to buy cheaper food, including the 'rank' beans and bread.

So, after toasting all of the bread, they started to stick it all together with the beans. Together, they got the tower quite high, using up all the bread and, all laughing and squealing and piling more beans on the top when Tracy walked in.

"What are you doing?"

"Making a tower, what's it look like?" Liam smirked.

"Okay, why?" Tracy asked.

"You don't expect us to eat this rubbish, do you?" Sapphire demanded.

"They keep giving us these horrible cheap beans," said Carmen.

"And I think you'll find they're past their sell-by," added Tee.

"Eugh," Johnny frowned.

"Only by a few days," sighed Tracy. "Look, we've got to save money."

Of course, this made the shouting start.

"Look, we haven't had any takeaways-"

"I couldn't go swimming-!"

"No electrical time-"

"Okay, okay, I know it's a bit rubbish," Tracy said.

"They CANCELLED my piano lessons!" Gus bellowed, clutching his head, notebook still in hand. "I always have piano lessons on Wednesday! If I don't have piano lessons on Wednesday then Wednesday won't work!"

"Look me in the eye, Tracy Beaker," Liam said sternly. "And tell me this is fair."

Needless to say, she couldn't.


But then the kids found out why all these cuts were being made.

And what would happen if they didn't make more.

They would all get moved to-

"Burnywood?!" Liam exclaimed.

"This is our home!" Tee yelled.

"That's why we need to make these cuts work," sighed Tracy.

"Nah, look, don't get sucked in, if they wanna shut us down, they will," Sapphire shook her head. "No matter how much money we save."

She sighed as she stormed out the kitchen, all hope drained from her.

"Sapph, come back!" Tracy yelled, but she wasn't to be persuaded.

"I've done a stretch in burnywood, I'm not going back!" Liam yelled.

Sadie agreed. "Me too."

For a month a few years ago, she had been split up from Johnny and Tee and placed in Burnywood. The horrors of the place still haunted her.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now