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tw - mentions of sexual assault

Liam had set an alarm to wake Sadie and him up and get her out his room in the morning, before Theo got up.

However, that wasn't quite how things worked.

Sadie awoke to the sound of Theo's laughs.

"Oh, you two are so dead!" He was saying.

"You won't dare tell Dennis!" Liam yelled angrily back at him.

"Liam..." Sadie rubbed her eyes, finally realising properly what was happening. "Listen, Theo, it's not like you think-"

"What I think?" Theo laughed. "Nah, I think he's to chicken to have fucked you yet, don't worry."

Liam's hands were curling into fists-

"However, what I also think is that Dennis had a rule about no girls in boys' bedrooms," Theo smirked. "So I'm going to love watching him tell you off for that one-"

"Shut UP!"


Liam had yelled, punching Theo in the face yet again and knocking him over.

"What on earth was-" Dennis marched into the room, his voice cutting off when he saw Sadie in Liam's bed, and Theo on the ground.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" He bellowed. "I THOUGHT I made my rules clear!"

"Dennis, what is hap-?" Mike stopped as well when he saw the scene.

"Listen, it's not like you think-" Sadie started.

"What? You disobeying a direct order?!"

"He punched me, as well!" Theo yelled, having got up.

"I was provoked!" Liam protested.

"Enough!" Dennis shouted. "You two, downstairs, my office. Now."

"It's not your office," Sadie snapped. "But fine. Let's go."

As Mike checked Theo was okay, which he didn't deserve, Dennis dragged Sadie and Liam downstairs.

"It's as simple as this," Sadie said angrily once they were in there. "I couldn't sleep, so I headed over to Liam's room. We just slept in the same bed. Nothing. Happened."

Dennis chuckled. "Do you really think I believe that?"

"It's the truth!" Liam protested.

"What do you think we did?!" Sadie raised her eyebrows.

Dennis fell silent.

"Thought so," Sadie smirked.

"Don't get smart with me!" Dennis shouted. "You are still in breach of my rules, meaning you're both grounded for a month!"

"A MONTH-?!"

"HEY!" Dennis bellowed. "You knew what the rules were, and you still broke them! Serves you both right!"

Sadie was stewing as she and Liam left the office.

Not even him taking her hand could calm her.


However, that wasn't the excitement over for the day.

Theo, after he recovered from his punch, of course, was quick to tell everyone the excitement of the morning over breakfast. And that Sadie and Liam were both grounded for a month because of it.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now