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Two weeks of dating Liam O'Donovan had been the best two weeks of Sadie Taylor's life.

Their Dumping Ground housemates had taken the news quite well, but they had tried to get used to it. They all had to admit that Liam and Sadie kissing from time to time was much better than them bickering all the time.

But today was a new day, and the kids had all been informed of a new girl, Elektra, that was coming.

Everyone was just in the lounge chilling, Liam and Sadie were at the pool table, more talking than playing pool.

Suddenly, this girl with a blue leather jacket and bright blue streaks in her hair walked in. Sadie presumed she was Elektra.

Carmen, of course, immediately sprang forward.

"Hi, you must be Elektra! Wow, amazing hair! How'd you get it like-?"

"Shut up," Elekta snapped, slapping Carmen's hands away from her hair. "Who's in charge?"

Everyone was silent.

"Are you all thick or something?" Elektra demanded. "I said, who's in charge?"

And then everyone, intentionally or not, looked towards Sadie and Liam.


She marched up to them, shoving Sadie hard so she fell back over the pool table, the burn on her leg hurting.


She didn't cry out, though, as everyone gasped around her.

"Come on, then!" Elektra yelled as Liam went to Sadie.

"You alright?" He asked her as he held her, because he knew tendencies, having once fallen victim to them.

"Let's just say, the pain I'm feeling will be nothing compared what this bitch is after I'm done," snapped Sadie, throwing herself out of her boyfriend's arms to run at Elekra.


"Sadie, get OFF her!"


But Sadie didn't listen to them. She punched Elektra hard in the jaw before landing another straight to her nose.

"SADIE GET OFF HER-" Sapphire yelled, as well as Liam, as both of them pulled Elektra and Sadie apart, before Elektra had even done any harm to Sadie.

Eventually, Sapphire was holding Elektra back whilst Liam had Sadie, his arms wrapped tightly around her as she struggled against him, trying to escape his strong grip.

"Sades, calm down!" Liam shouted into her ear.

"No! Let me at her!" Sadie yelled, as Sapphire let Elekra go.

"What, you have to rely on your boyfriend to fight your battles for you?!" The girl with the blue hair smirked.

"Urgh!" Sadie grunted as he threw herself from Liam's arms, running at Elektra and toppling the two of them over, bringing down another harsh punch on her face.

"SADIE GET OFF!" Sapphire screeched as, yet again, she pulled Sadie off Elektra, shoving her into Liam whilst Elektra, sporting a bloody nose, was pulled kept at bay by her.

"This isn't over!" She yelled at Sadie.

Sadie seethed as Liam held her tighter, making sure she couldn't escape this time. "Sure hun!"

As Sapphire dragged Elektra out, Liam turned to the rest of the kids, who we staring, scared by the whole scene.

"Why'd you look at us?!" He shouted, letting go of his grip round Sadie but keeping an arm round her waist. "Why don't you fight your own battles for a change? Cause we're not doing it!"

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now