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For more than half his life, Liam O'Donovan had hated Sadie Taylor.

He had hated her annoying clapbacks, the way she was right about literally everything, and how she was always ready to pick a fight over everything.

But upon coming back to The Dumping Ground for the last time, he had noticed something... different about her.

It wasn't exactly like she was open, she was dating that Theo douche from Burnywood, but as time went on, and they broke up... he couldn't help but wonder if there was a possibility of something happening with them.

And it wasn't just because she was hot. That was only about ten percent of the reason. She was beautiful inside and out. She had such an amazing personality, that he had spent too much time hating he hadn't realised how great it was. And she was so loyal to her siblings, and to anyone who was her friend.

And even though she had been hurt so many times in life, she had always risen up stronger the next time, showing anyone who hurt her that they had been wrong to do it.

When Liam had found out what Mr Watson, and about her asshole stepfather Keith had done to her, his blood had boiled so much that he had worried it would never go back to normal again.

He couldn't imagine why someone would want to hurt her. Why, when she had such a beautiful soul, would anyone want to break that? Why would anyone in their right mind want to do a single thing wrong to his girl, who he loved so much?

The day he realised he loved her, he couldn't believe it, but he also could at the same time. He had known for a long time, he had only realised in that moment. And realise he did.

He loved her. He loved her so much he couldn't breathe, couldn't eat, couldn't do anything without making sure she was there, and that she was safe.

He loved her so much he felt like an idiot. Of course he fell for her. The girl he once complained about until he was blue in the face.

But she loved him too, and she had told him that. Liam couldn't quite believe that someone loved him, but somehow, Sadie did.

And their love for each other, their mutual love for each other, that was true and unflawed, brings us to this day.

Liam, Frank and Sadie were out in town, kicking an old drink can along the pavement. Sadie's hand was intertwined with Liam's, a thrill running through every inch of his body.

He had just kicked away the can when something else suddenly caught his eye.

An old person's mobility scooter, all shiny and new, sitting right there, the key still in it.

Sadie, who had seen the direction of his eyeline and did not like it one bit, started to say. "Liam-"

"I wonder how fast this thing goes," Liam smirked, sitting on it and turning the key.

It went speeding off immediately.

It wasn't a racing car, but as he turned the corner, it went pretty fast. Liam was grinning as he rode it, and soon, slight grins appeared on Sadie and Frank's faces as well.

"Liam, you're gonna get caught!" Frank yelled as Liam turned the scooter, heading back to them.

He just shrugged. "It's good fun."

"Can I have a go?" Frank asked.

"Wait your turn!" Liam yelled back.

"Liam, you're an idiot!" Sadie also yelled.

"Shut up, Sades, I can see your smile!"

And it was true. Liam could see a hidden smile on Sadie's lips, and seeing it just made him want to grab her and snog the hell out of her.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ꨄ︎  𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 (Tracy Beaker Returns)Where stories live. Discover now