Chapter 5: Mountain Glenn

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Two weeks and three days later, 235th Papa Company are heading to Mountain Glenn. Lieutenant General Cole and General Wright mentions that this mission is a joint-Army-Marine-Air Force-Naval operation as the UNE wants to make the abandoned city a full time UNE Military Base.

They said that the amount of troops being sent is 130,000. This included the Marines of 235th Papa Company, tank Battalions and aircraft. Naval ships were mostly American as the Kingdom of Vale was 900km from the US West Coast. Or 559.234 miles for anyone that doesn't use the metric system.

They know this won't be a quiet operation as the noise and activity will surely be seen by many in Vale and Beacon Academy. But it is what it is.

The skies were filled with aircraft from bombers making bombing runs, fighter jets dropping Napalm and White Phosphorus, and finally the helicopters and VTOLs carrying Soldiers and Marines to combat the Grimm.

In one of the USMC MV-38 Condor VTOLs, Anthony watched as he, David, Shino, Mari, and Igor were looked out the open ramp of the aircraft.

The roar of the engines and the clatter of weapons being checked filled the MV-38 Condor as it flew over the barren landscape of Mountain Glenn. The Marines of 235th Papa Company were geared up, their expressions a mix of determination and adrenaline-fueled excitement. They knew the stakes of this mission were high; transforming Mountain Glenn into a full-time UNE military base was no small feat.

Anthony's voice cut through the noise, grabbing everyone's attention. "Hey Marines!" His eyes glinted with a challenging smirk as he surveyed the troops around him. "The company with the most kills gets to have bragging rights, and the loser pays for the entire company's drinks! What do y'all say to that?! Can I get a muthafuckin' 'Fuck yeah'!"

For a moment, there was silence, then a resounding "Fuck yeah!" erupted from the Marines, their voices a unified battle cry echoing through the aircraft. The camaraderie was palpable, the challenge setting the tone for the operation ahead.

David, seated next to Anthony, grinned widely. "Looks like everyone's in, Ant. This is gonna be one hell of a fight."

Shino adjusted her gear, her eyes focused and sharp. "Just remember, it's not just about the kills. We need to secure the area and make it safe for the base."

Mari, always the voice of reason, nodded in agreement. "Right. Let's stay sharp and watch each other's backs out there. The Grimm aren't gonna go down easy."

Igor, leaning against the open ramp, chuckled. "Well, whatever happens, I know we'll be celebrating tonight. Drinks are on the losers, after all."

As the Condor descended towards their drop zone, the landscape of Mountain Glenn became clearer. The ruins of the abandoned city stretched out below them, a stark reminder of the devastation caused by the Grimm. But this time, the UNE forces were here to reclaim and rebuild, to turn this forsaken place into a stronghold.

The VTOLs and helicopters began to land, disgorging troops and equipment onto the ground. The sounds of battle were already in the air as bombers and fighter jets continued their runs, softening up the Grimm forces below.

Lieutenant General Cole's voice crackled over the comms. "All units, this is Cole. Commence Operation Reclamation. Secure the area and establish defensive perimeters. Good luck, everyone."

Anthony, David, Shino, Mari, and Igor jumped out of the Condor, hitting the ground running. They quickly took their positions, ready for the fight ahead. The rest of 235th Papa Company spread out, their eyes scanning for any signs of the Grimm.

"Alright, team," Anthony said, his voice steady. "Let's move out and make sure we win those bragging rights. Stay close, stay alert, and let's show these Grimm what the Marines are made of!"

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