Chapter 27: Stockade, Showers, Caught 2, and Pulp...

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The next day after the round one of the 40th Vytal Festival Tournament Matches. The UNE and the kingdoms decided to have a break day for both the winner Teams and for loser Teams to... handle the loss.

Anthony was heading to a stockade that had an annoying bitch. Cinder Fall.

As Anthony entered, he saw CInder give that same look every time he entered the room. A dark, obsessive look of longing and madness.

"Hello~ Master Anthony~" She purred at him.

"Please shut the hell up. I was tasked to watch you-not in that way woman. To make sure you don't escape or eat someone." Anthony coldly replied as he took a seat in front of her cell and brought out a deck of cards.

"Oh~ Are we playing a game of cards?" Cinder asked.

"No," answered the voice of Winter Schnee who sat with Anthony. "We are. I was tasked by General Ironwood and USMC Lieutenant General Walker to watch you with Gunnery Sergeant Towson to make sure you don't do anything... deprave behavior."

"I should you then Schnee. I don't want your dirty dyed white hair touching my master." Cinder declared behind her four inch bulletproof plexiglass.

As Winter sat down, Anthony looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "First; to you Cinder, shut the fuck up. Second; to you Winter, I told she's messed up in the head. And third; still to you Winter, I knew your white hair was dyed given that your eyebrows are black."

"Yes, I got my hair color from my father-"

"Your sperm donor?" Anthony joked as he shuffled the cards and Winter stiffened a laugh.

"In a way, yes. My father originally had black hair and he dyed it white to... fit the family name of Schnee." Winter said.

"So your father was a cheat and bought into the family and used his connections to get where he is today." Cinder said making Anthony and Winter look at her.

"That's... correct..." Winter said and was a little surprised.

"Wow..." Anthony mumbled out-loud getting Cinder to look at him with a look of praise. "No, don't get too happy. So shut it, Cinder!"

"Yes, daddy~!"



"...Towson I feel sorry you have to deal with this." Winter said to the man.

"I feel sorry for my mental health. And the Navy Clinical Psychologist." Anthony replied. Winter raised a brow, "A Navy Clinical Psychologist is our version of a military therapist for the Navy and Marine Corps." Winter nodded now understanding.

As Anthony and Winter settled into their card game, the atmosphere remained tense. Cinder's obsessive gaze bore into them, but they both did their best to ignore her. The stack of cards between Anthony and Winter served as a makeshift barrier, a small piece of normalcy in an otherwise abnormal situation.

Anthony dealt the cards with practiced ease, the rhythmic shuffling providing a backdrop to their conversation. "Alright, Schnee, let's play some Rummy."

Winter nodded, grateful for the distraction. "Let's do it."

Cinder watched them intently, her dark eyes flickering with a mixture of fascination and frustration. She paced behind the plexiglass, occasionally tapping her fingers against it, trying to draw their attention back to her.

"Hey, Anthony," Winter began, drawing a card from the deck. "How did you get into the Marines?"

Anthony glanced at her, surprised by the question. "Family tradition. My father was a Marine, his father before him. It's kind of the family business."

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