Chapter 11: Politics, POWs, Rally, and Rescue...

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Author's Note: This is the voice of Anthony Towson.

Meanwhile in the UNE Headquarters in New York city, United States of America.

Leaders from North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania countries are having a meeting discussion about how to deal with the four kingdoms(Vale, Vauco, Mistral and Atlas).

Menagerie was already a fixed deal and is now receiving aid packages and construction materials to upgrade the continental Island.

The American, Russian, and Chinese Presidents quietly chatted with each other about building more FOBs in Vale to establish a good network with the their troops.

The United States of America, the Unified States of Russia, and the Republic of China are considered the big three of the UNE.

#1: USA
#2: ROC
#3: USR

The meeting room in the UNE Headquarters was abuzz with the sounds of hushed conversations and the rustling of papers. Leaders from around the globe had gathered to discuss the strategic integration of Remnant's four kingdoms into the geopolitical landscape of Earth.

The American President, the Russian Premier, and the Chinese President were engaged in a particularly intense discussion at one end of the table.

"We need to ensure that our presence in Vale is solidified," the American President began, tapping a finger on a map spread out before them. "Establishing more FOBs will allow us to create a robust network for our troops and aid distribution."

The Russian Premier nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Agreed. We must also consider the geopolitical implications of our presence there. The other kingdoms will be watching closely. Our actions in Vale will set the tone for future interactions with Vacuo, Mistral, and Atlas."

The Chinese President added, "We must approach this with both strength and diplomacy. While military presence is crucial for security and support, we also need to foster goodwill and cooperation with the kingdoms' leadership."

As the three leaders continued to strategize, the rest of the assembly was discussing broader plans for Earth. The initial success in Menagerie had set a positive precedent, and the aid packages and construction materials had been well-received by the Faunus population.

The German Chancellor addressed the room, "Our work in Menagerie is already showing results. The infrastructure projects are progressing well, and we've seen a significant improvement in the living conditions there. This model can be replicated in the other kingdoms, but we need to be mindful of each kingdom's unique political and cultural landscape."

The French President nodded in agreement. "Vale will be our next focus. It's central to our operations on Earth. However, we cannot neglect Vacuo, Mistral, and Atlas. We must engage with them diplomatically and economically, ensuring they see our presence as beneficial rather than intrusive."

The Japanese Prime Minister spoke up, "Cultural exchange programs and trade agreements will be key. We must show the people of the four kingdoms that we are not just here for military reasons but to build a mutually beneficial relationship."

The discussion continued, with various leaders contributing ideas and strategies. The overarching goal was clear: to integrate Remnant's kingdoms into the global community in a way that promoted peace, security, and mutual prosperity.

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