Chapter 3: Grimm vs Marines

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Over the next few days, 235th Papa Company worked hard to establish trust between the humans and the Faunus. They participated in community events and even joined in a friendly game of either beach volleyball, soccer, or baseball.

Slowly but surely, they began to see progress. The locals were becoming more accepting of each other and tensions were easing. But the now not so disguised White Fang members still kept a close eye on them and so did the marines.

Night watches and patrols were set for the marines as they knew the White Fang would try something. They even announced to the people that each marine has a heart monitor and if one dies. They'll track the location in a insteat. Even if the marine was underground.

This was a lie of course. But said lie worked as the White Fang avoided harming them.

They also said their weapons and ammo had built-in trackers in case lost or stolen. Also a lie but the Fang believed it.

Anthony and Mari were doing a night patrol as they pass by two familiar faces from the White Fang(WF) thanks to "RWBY".

Yuma, he had dark brown hair spiked up on top and a goatee. He wore his black WF uniform down to the elbows and behind him, a set of bat wings were held up against his back. Bat Faunus.

Trifa, she had silver-hair and strange markings travelling up the small amount of chest she exposed. Like roots or veins, but grey in colour. Spider Faunus.

The two Faunus glanced at the marines and so did they. And continued moving as it was a normal thing. Until...

"Have a nice you two... you'll need it." Anthony coldly called out to the two Faunus without looking back. But this made the two turn to look at marines who were already a kilometer away.

"That tall human with the eye creeps me the hell out." Yuma said to Trifa about Anthony, "What you think about the tall woman he was with?"

Trifa watched the retreating figures of Anthony and Mari, her expression thoughtful. "She's a wild card," she said finally. "They both are. They move with purpose, and they're not easily rattled. That makes them dangerous."

Yuma nodded, still unnerved by Anthony's cold remark. "They're more observant than we gave them credit for. We need to be careful around them."

Trifa agreed. "We can't afford to underestimate any of these Marines. They might be here to help, but they're not naive. We need to keep our operations discreet and our intentions hidden until we're ready."

As they continued their patrol, Anthony and Mari were discussing their observations. "Did you recognize those two?" Mari asked quietly.

"Yeah," Anthony replied. "White Fang. We need to keep an eye on them. They're likely planning something, and we need to be prepared."

Mari nodded. "Agreed. We should report this to our CO and suggest increasing the patrols around key areas."

Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden noise. They both stopped, their senses on high alert. Anthony signaled for Mari to stay back as he moved forward cautiously, his hand on his weapon. He scanned the area, his keen eyes picking up every detail.

A rustle in the bushes ahead caught his attention. He motioned for Mari to circle around and flank the potential threat. As they closed in, they found a small group of Faunus children huddled together, scared and lost.

Anthony relaxed slightly, his demeanor softening. "Hey, it's okay," he said gently, kneeling down to their level. "We're not going to hurt you."

Mari joined him, offering a reassuring smile. "Are you lost? Where are your parents?"

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