Chapter 23: New sister, Yearly Prank War, and Crazy

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Four weeks later, Anthony and David were walking towards the cafeteria for a quick meal. It was then the latter asked a very important question to the former.



"Why the fuck is Nora so attached to you?" He asked pointing a finger at Nora who is hugging his right arm with a wide smile.

"Because I said some wholesome stuff to her and I quote, 'Since you don't have any parents my parents can always adopt you.' And my parents were visiting at the time and agreed to adopt Nora. So in a way, Nora is technically my new younger sister." Anthony answered as David raised an eyebrow as he processed the information.

"So, you said one thing, and now she's attached to you like glue?" He said.

Anthony chuckled, trying to shake off Nora's enthusiastic grip, though not too hard. "Pretty much. She's a sweetheart, really."

Nora beamed up at him, hugging his arm tighter. "Ant is the best big brother ever!"

David shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips despite himself. "Man, you sure know how to attract interesting people."

As they reached the cafeteria, they saw the rest of Team RWBY and JNPR gathered around a table, chatting animatedly. Jaune waved them over, a grin on his face.

"Hey, guys! Saved you a couple of seats!" he called out.

Anthony and David made their way to the table, Nora finally releasing Anthony's arm to sit next to him. The table was filled with the usual banter and laughter, a welcome change after the recent harrowing events.

Blake looked up from her book and smirked at David. "Still trying to figure out the Nora situation?"

David shrugged. "I guess it's just one of those things. Gotta admit, it's kind of cute."

Ruby, munching on a cookie, nodded enthusiastically.

"Nora's always been the heart of our team. It's nice to see her so happy." Pyrrha said with a smile.

Anthony glanced around the table, feeling a sense of camaraderie and warmth. The past weeks had been tough, but moments like this made it all worthwhile. He looked down at Nora, who was happily chatting with Ren, and felt a surge of protectiveness.

"Yeah," Anthony said quietly, "family's important."

Yang, leaning back in her chair, grinned at him. "You got that right. We're all family here, in one way or another."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics, the room filled with laughter and the clatter of dishes. As they ate and talked, the bonds between them grew stronger, the recent challenges only serving to solidify their resolve.

Later, as they left the cafeteria, David clapped Anthony on the back. "Well, big brother, looks like you've got your hands full."

Anthony laughed. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

Nora, skipping ahead, turned back to them with a big smile. "Come on, Ant! Let's go train!"

Anthony nodded, following her with a smile. "Lead the way, sis."

As they headed to the training area, the weight of the past weeks seemed to lift, replaced by the promise of new beginnings and the strength of their newfound family.

The next day as the Marines and students enjoyed their buttermilk pancakes, the cafeteria was filled with a sense of camaraderie and laughter. The smell of freshly cooked pancakes mixed with the chatter of friends, making for a perfect morning.

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