Chapter 16: Angel and Death

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A week later, a CH-75E Super Stallion Mk II heavy lift helicopter is seen landing at FOB helipad.

Nearby watching the large aircraft was Anthony, David, Mari, Shino, Igor, Jie, Kang, Felix, Dae, and Michael. Along with Teams RWBY and JNPR.

"So, who do you think is in there?" Dae questioned.

Pyrrha cringed, "I hope it's not those MREs that you guys gave us three days ago..."

Jie chuckled, "Welcome to our stomachs..." She jokingly said.

"What is the exact year for you guys?" Weiss asked remembering the horrible stomachache she had later after eating the MRE.

"2070." Kang said shocking the eight teens.

"We ate 30 year old MREs?!" Ren exclaimed.

"The Air Force has the newest ones, the army has 15-20 year old ones, the navy has 5 year old ones, and us Marines get what's still available and editable." David explained. "Over time you'll might end up with an iron stomach."

"I rather not do that training..." Nora muttered.

The ramp of the helicopter was opened and walking out with a medium sized escort was the leader of the White Fang itself, Sienna Khan.

The ramp of the helicopter was opened and walking out with a medium sized escort was the leader of the White Fang itself, Sienna Khan

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But not as a prisoner, as an ally.

Lieutenant Colonel Bauer and Ozpin walked up to meet her.

"Let's all be thankful that General Ironwood isn't here." Jaune said as everyone agreed.

As Sienna Khan stepped off the ramp, her presence immediately drew the attention of everyone gathered. Her demeanor was one of cautious confidence, aware of the significance of her arrival at the UNE's Forward Operating Base (FOB). She was flanked by a small contingent of her most trusted White Fang members, indicating her serious commitment to this new alliance.

Lieutenant Colonel Bauer and Professor Ozpin approached her, their expressions a mix of curiosity and cautious optimism. The tension in the air was palpable, as the troops and the students of Beacon watched this unexpected development unfold.

"Welcome to our FOB, Ms. Khan," Lieutenant Colonel Bauer greeted, extending a hand. "We appreciate you coming here under these circumstances."

Sienna took his hand and shook it firmly. "Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel. This is a significant step for both the White Fang and the people of Menagerie. We have a lot to discuss."

Ozpin nodded in agreement. "Indeed, we do. Let's move to the briefing room and get started. There is much to be addressed, and I believe we all share the goal of a better future for both humans and Faunus."

As the leaders moved towards the briefing room, the gathered groups couldn't help but exchange glances of surprise and curiosity. Teams RWBY and JNPR, in particular, were taken aback by the sight of Sienna Khan in a cooperative context.

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