Chapter 28: S.S.D.D, WTF?!, Exo-suits, and Evening walk...

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The next day was round two which is the doubles round of the 40th Vytal Festival Tournament Matches. Not a lot went on.

Except for the Atlas soldiers started speaking the same explicit language the UNE Marines spoke. Especially when doing vehicle maintenance. Even when you're already irritated at work and a minor inconvenience makes you genuinely crash out.

Want to see?

Harriet and Igor were seen fixing up a MRAP 4x4 at the vehicle depot. And the worse part is it's only 0930 in the morning and they didn't have any coffee.

"Come you motherfucker..." Harriet muttered mounting a bolt with a wrench.

"Careful, Hare." Igor warned as he was in the interior tightening the steering wheel. "You might-"

Harriet slips on the wrench punching the motor and dinging her head on the engine rail, "AHhH SHIT!!!"

"Блять! [Fuck!] You're alright, Harriet!?" Igor asked concerned.


Harriet's voice echoed through the depot, drawing the attention of a few nearby soldiers and mechanics. Igor quickly climbed out of the MRAP, his face a mix of concern and mild amusement.

"Harriet, take a breath. You okay?" Igor asked, approaching her.

Harriet, clutching her throbbing hand and wincing from the bump on her head, took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just... this fucking thing is pissing me off."

"Here, let me take a look." Igor gently took the wrench from her and inspected the bolt. "Looks like it's just a bit stubborn. We'll get it."

Nearby, a couple of UNE Marines overheard the commotion and decided to wander over. Sergeant Brussett and Sergeant Kravchuk, fresh from their successful mission the day before, were in high spirits despite the early hour.

"Hey, need a hand?" Keith offered, noticing the MRAP's half-disassembled state and the frustration etched on Harriet's face.

"Yeah, that'd be great," Igor replied, stepping back to give Keith room.

Keith examined the situation, his practiced eyes quickly assessing the problem. "Ah, I see. These bolts can be a real pain in the ass. You just gotta show 'em who's boss." He grabbed the wrench and gave it a firm twist, the bolt yielding under his experienced grip.

Harriet watched, her frustration slowly melting away. "Thanks, K . I just... I haven't had my coffee yet."

Larry chuckled, handing her a thermos. "Here, got some extra. Might not be as good as Atlas brew, but it'll wake you up."

Harriet gratefully accepted the thermos, taking a long sip. "Thanks, L. I needed that."

As the group worked together, the atmosphere lightened. They exchanged stories and shared laughs, the camaraderie between the Atlas soldiers and UNE Marines growing stronger with each moment.

"Alright, let's get this baby running," Igor said, his hands moving deftly over the steering mechanism. "Harriet, can you pass me the torque wrench?"

Harriet, now in a better mood, handed him the tool. "Here you go. And thanks again, guys. I was about to lose it there."

"No problem," Keith said, giving her a reassuring pat on the back. "We've all been there. Just gotta keep pushing through."

With their combined efforts, the MRAP was soon back in working order. Harriet and Igor exchanged a satisfied nod, and the UNE Marines headed back to their own tasks.

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