Chapter 2: Woo boy...

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At the UNE base, the scene was one of organized chaos as Marines from various countries worked tirelessly to clear debris, repair communication equipment, and tend to the wounded. Despite the large-scale destruction in the nearby city, the base's 30,000 Marines were unharmed. However, the city itself was in terrible condition, with helicopters and VTOLs dispatched to rescue people trapped on rooftops and search for survivors. Ground vehicles continuously moved in and out of the base, transporting wounded civilians and heading into the city to provide further assistance.

The Marines set up makeshift hospitals and distributed emergency supplies, transforming the UNE base into a hub of humanitarian activity. Amidst the flurry of coordinated efforts, there was a strong sense of solidarity and determination to help those affected by the earthquake.

Anthony, David, Shino, Mari, and Igor were currently in a Cougar HE 6×6, heading back to the city on a somber mission. Mari and Igor, sitting in the back, stared at the floor of the vehicle, which was stained with dried blood. The team had been tasked with collecting the dead—an unenviable but necessary job in the aftermath of such a disaster.

"Fuckin' hell..." Anthony muttered as he drove the MRAP, the weight of their task heavy on his mind.

David, sitting next to him, kept his eyes on the road ahead, his jaw set in a hard line. "Yeah, this is the part they never really prepare you for," he said quietly.

In the back, Shino and Mari were silent, their expressions reflecting the grim reality of their mission. Igor, his usually steady demeanor shaken, tried to steel himself for what lay ahead. "It's not easy, but it's necessary," he finally said, his voice firm despite the sadness in his eyes.

Shino nodded, taking a deep breath. "We'll get through this. We have to. For the people who need us."

As they approached the city, the devastation became even more apparent. Buildings lay in ruins, and the streets were filled with debris. The team knew they had a tough job ahead of them, but their resolve was unwavering. They had a duty to fulfill, and they would do so with the utmost respect and care for those who had lost their lives.

The Cougar HE 6×6 rumbled through the streets, the Marines inside ready to face the grim task before them. They were united in their mission, driven by a shared sense of purpose and the unyielding commitment to help in any way they could.

"Bump," Anthony deadpanned as the Cougar HE 6×6 rolled over a rock.

David, scanning the road ahead, noticed a five-man team of Ukrainian, American, and Korean Marines by a damaged school building. Two of the Ukrainian Marines, a female and a male, were sitting outside. The male Marine was vomiting, clearly affected by the scene inside.

"Hey, T," David called out.

"Yeah..." Anthony responded, understanding immediately. He pulled over to their fellow Marines. "I'm starting to remember our six-month tour of Iran now..."

David sighed, "Same..."

As they parked and stepped out of the vehicle, the weight of their memories from Iran settled over them like a heavy blanket. The sights, sounds, and smells of devastation were all too familiar.

Anthony approached the group, his eyes scanning the scene for signs of immediate danger. "You guys okay?" he asked, his voice calm but tinged with concern.

The female Ukrainian Marine looked up, her face pale but composed. "We've got casualties inside. It's... it's bad."

David walked over to the male Marine, who was still trying to regain his composure. He placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Take it easy, man. We're all in this together."

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