Chapter 17: Funeral, Bar, and Prison...

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Three weeks later...

The scene at the cemetery was solemn and respectful. The sun shone down gently, casting a warm glow over the gathered mourners. The priest's voice was steady as he recited the eulogy, his words carrying a sense of peace and finality. The gathered crowd, a mix of family, friends, and fellow Marines, stood in reverent silence.

"Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine on her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace," the priest intoned, his words a prayer for Analisa's journey to eternal peace.

Anthony stood beside his mother, Rena, who was weeping softly. He had been a pillar of strength for her and the rest of the family since the devastating news broke. The Marines, all dressed in their respective countries' Dress Blues, formed a dignified line, a testament to their solidarity and respect for their comrade's loss.

David, Mari, Shino, Igor, Jie, Kang, Felix, Dae, and Michael stood shoulder to shoulder with Anthony, their presence a silent but powerful gesture of support. They had seen and faced much together, but this moment of shared grief was a different kind of battle, one that required a different kind of strength.

As the priest finished the eulogy, he stepped back, allowing Anthony a moment to speak. Anthony stepped forward, his heart heavy but his resolve firm. He took a deep breath, looking out at the faces of those who had come to honor his sister.

"Thank you all for being here today," he began, his voice steady despite the emotions swirling within him. "Analisa was more than just my sister. She was a bright light, full of life and love. She had dreams, hopes, and a spirit that touched everyone she met."

He paused, glancing at the Marines beside him. "She was taken from us too soon, and in a way that no one should have to endure. But in her memory, we must find strength. We must continue to fight for a world where such senseless violence no longer claims the lives of the innocent."

Anthony's gaze returned to his family. "Mom, Dad, we will get through this. Analisa's spirit will always be with us, guiding us, giving us strength. And to everyone here, thank you for your support. It means more than words can express."

With that, Anthony stepped back, allowing the ceremony to continue. The Marines performed a salute, a final honor for Analisa. The flag(due to being a volunteer) that draped her casket was carefully folded and presented to Rena, who accepted it with trembling hands, her tears flowing freely.

The funeral drew to a close, and as people began to leave, they each took a moment to offer their condolences to Anthony and his family. The Marines, too, offered their support, their presence a reminder that Anthony was not alone in his grief.

Later, as the sun began to set, Anthony stood alone by his sister's grave. The weight of his loss felt heavier in the quiet of the evening, but he knew he had to carry on. Analisa's memory would be his guide, and he would honor her by continuing to fight for a better world.

With a final salute to his sister, Anthony turned and walked back to rejoin his family and comrades, ready to face whatever came next with the strength and resolve that Analisa had inspired in him.

Later on...

The atmosphere in the bar was heavy with the weight of grief and the burden of unresolved anger. The owner, used to seeing the Marines in better spirits, watched quietly from behind the bar, giving them the space they needed.

Michael's outburst broke the silence like a sudden crack in a dam. His words hung in the air for a moment, resonating with the unspoken thoughts of everyone around the table.

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