Chapter 10: Anger, Humiliation, and Pain...

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Meanwhile with Cinder... she was pissed off.

"Those damn soldiers!! First, they ruined my plans for Mountain Glenn!! Then they killed the Wyvern!! AGH!!" She yelled pulling her hair.

Emerald tries to calm her down, "W-we still have Adam in contact, right?"

Cinder looks at Emerald, "That's... true..."

"And we still have the virus Watts gave us to plug into the CCT." She added making Cinder smile.

"That's right~ We still have the element of surprise in our side." Cinder spoke evilly. Her thoughts were cut short when Mercury enters their run with a ice pack on his groin.

"What happened to you?" Emerald asked Mercury.

"Tried to flirt with some chick named Mari Kurokawa. She got mad and said I need to watch my tongue. And then kicked me in the balls. HARD." Mercury said then started groaning in pain.

Cinder's frustration turned to a mixture of amusement and irritation as she listened to Mercury's account. She sighed, running a hand through her hair, trying to regain her composure.

"Typical," Cinder muttered, shaking her head. "You need to be more careful, Mercury. We can't afford any more setbacks."

Mercury winced as he adjusted the ice pack. "Yeah, yeah. Lesson learned."

Emerald glanced between them, trying to shift the focus back to their plans. "So, what's the next move, Cinder? With the Wyvern gone and our plans in Mountain Glenn ruined, we need to adapt."

Cinder's eyes narrowed, a predatory gleam returning to her gaze. "Indeed. We need to accelerate our plans. We can't let those soldiers and Huntsmen keep gaining the upper hand."

She turned to her computer, bringing up schematics and plans. "First, we need to ensure the virus Watts gave us is ready. The moment we have access to the CCT, we deploy it. It will create chaos and disrupt communication, giving us the advantage."

Emerald nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "And what about Adam? Can we count on him?"

Cinder's expression darkened slightly. "Adam is a wild card, but we can use his hatred and determination to our advantage. We'll keep him in the loop, but we won't rely solely on him."

Mercury, still wincing from his injury, added, "And what about the students and those damn soldiers? They're not going to sit back and do nothing."

Cinder's smile returned, colder and more calculating. "Let them come. We've faced worse. With the virus, we'll cripple their communication and coordination. When the time is right, we'll strike where they least expect it."

She looked at her subordinates, her eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. "This isn't over. Not by a long shot. They may have won a few battles, but the war is far from decided."

Emerald and Mercury exchanged a glance, both feeling a mixture of dread and anticipation. They knew the path ahead would be dangerous, but with Cinder's ruthless determination, they were ready to follow her lead into the darkness.

It was then that Cinder thought of another plan, 'I can chat up and flirt with those soldiers. Especially that one with the weird hairstyle. What was his name? Anthony. I'll use my feminine charms to procure secret information~'

She smiled to herself and began to leave the room and search for Anthony to commences her plan.

As Cinder made her way through the corridors of her hideout, a sly smile played on her lips. She reveled in the thought of using her charms to manipulate one of the marines, particularly Anthony. If she could extract valuable information from him, it could turn the tide in their favor.

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