Chapter 22: Escape, Interrogation, Attack, and Texas funeral...

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The next day, dawn broke over Vale, casting a golden hue on the city and its surroundings. The streets were bustling with life, the ordinary rhythms of the city in stark contrast to the dark, tense undercurrents of the ongoing hunt for Cinder and her associates.

The marines and their newfound friends from Beacon were gathered in a secluded training area, blending relaxation with strategic planning. While the students from Beacon enjoyed the day, the marines were intensely focused on the recent developments.

Anthony, Kang, Felix, and Jie were huddled around a portable comms unit, engaged in a heated discussion with their superiors back at the FOB.

"How the hell did she escape?" Felix muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

"The security detail underestimated her abilities. They forgot she was a half-Maiden," Jie explained, her tone laced with frustration.

Anthony nodded, eyes narrowing. "Cinder's on the loose, and the UNE's hunting her down. We've got to be on high alert."

Meanwhile, halfway across the world, ASEAN and Vietnamese forces were mobilizing. Their destination was Mistral, more specifically Haven Academy. Intelligence suggested that Leonardo Lionheart might have information about Cinder's whereabouts. However, upon arrival, they found the headmaster dead in his office, a grim reminder of the chaos Cinder left in her wake.

They combed through the Academy, gathering evidence and securing the premises. The discovery of Lionheart's body had sent shockwaves through the ranks. It was clear that Cinder's reach extended further than anticipated.

As satellites and spy drones scanned the skies over major cities, the hunt for Cinder continued. Her presence was like a dark shadow looming over the world, her next move unpredictable. The marines, their friends, and the global community braced for what was to come, knowing that the conflict was far from over.

Adam meanwhile was getting his salad tossed in the prison shower by a large man named Bubba who calls Adam by his prison bitch name Sprinkles.

Later on, Emerald was found first and was captured by CIA and FSB.

She was in a dark room tied to a chair and only one light dimly on. Then the light came in from the door of the room revealing a CIA Agent and FSB Agent.

The latter sighed before walking up to Emerald and staring at her for a few seconds, before raising her foot and slamming it on her left leg. A loud snap was heard, and she watched as Emerald jolted awake and screamed a bit as the bone from her shin was broken.

Both agents smile with a cheerful expression, "Good day to you Ms. Sustrai," their expression changed. "your superior, where is she?" The CIA Agent asked calmly and seriously.

It was too calm in Emerald's opinion; these weren't women; they were purely machines at this point. To Emerald she doesn't know how long she was locked up and tortured. All she knows is to take the pain in silence and wait for them to slip up. It would have been easy for her if she weren't just in her underwear, black left eye and her left arm broken.

"Oh? Are you curious? Too bad, you haven't been very polite again. I'll only tell you if you actually start showing some proper kindness." Emerald grinned through the pain.


The agents stared at her before the Russian bent down and gripping the broken leg. She watched as Emerald's good eye widened slightly before she started to gently pull the broken bone, ripping skin and muscle. A strained cry and gasp met her ears, but she paid no mind to it. With a sudden jerk, blood gushed from the open wound, and she twisted the bone violently, snapping it even more. She grabbed a bandage and tightly wrapped the wound before gripping the jagged bone she snapped off.

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