Chapter 15: You done F'd up now!!

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Two weeks later, Cinder sat across from Adam Taurus in a secluded clearing within the Forever Fall forest. The vibrant red leaves of the trees cast a strange, almost surreal light over their meeting spot. Despite the gravity of their discussion, Adam couldn't help but raise an amused eyebrow at Cinder's noticeably shorter and somewhat uneven haircut.

"So," Adam began, a smirk playing on his lips, "what's with the new look? Decided to try something different?"

Cinder's eyes flashed with irritation, but she kept her composure. "It's nothing worth discussing," she replied coolly. "A minor inconvenience."

From behind her, Emerald and Mercury shared a brief, knowing glance. Emerald couldn't resist chiming in. "Gum and paint, remember? We had to cut it out."

Adam chuckled, leaning back against a tree. "Sounds like you had quite an encounter. Maybe next time you'll think twice before underestimating the UNE and their friends."

Cinder's jaw tightened, but she maintained her composure. "Let's focus on why we're here, Adam. We need to discuss our next move."

Adam nodded, the amusement fading from his expression. "Right. The UNE presence is growing stronger, and their collaboration with the Huntsmen and Huntresses at Beacon is becoming a real threat. We need to be strategic about our next steps."

Cinder's eyes narrowed as she considered their options. "Agreed. We need to disrupt their operations and sow discord among their ranks. We can't allow them to gain a foothold in Vale or anywhere else in Remnant."

Mercury, leaning casually against a tree, added, "We also need to deal with those teams from Beacon. They've become a real thorn in our side, especially with their new training and support."

Adam's expression hardened. "I have some ideas on how to handle that. But first, we need to gather more intel. Emerald, I want you to keep a close eye on their movements. Find out their weaknesses and any potential vulnerabilities."

Emerald nodded, determination in her eyes. "Consider it done."

Cinder leaned forward, her voice low and menacing. "And when the time comes, we will strike. We will remind the people of Remnant why they fear the shadows."

Adam's smirk returned. "Looking forward to it."

As the meeting continued, the dark alliance solidified their plans, unaware that their enemies were growing stronger and more prepared with each passing day. The clash between their forces and the UNE-backed Huntsmen and Huntresses was inevitable, and the outcome would shape the future of Remnant.

Chaos erupted in the forest clearing as the distant cry of "NOW!" echoed through the trees, followed by a series of explosive charges detonating around the group. Adam stumbled, disoriented by the sudden attack, but a couple of White Fang grunts quickly picked him up, helping him to his feet and guiding him toward an escape route. The others, however, stayed back, ready to fight.

"IT'S THE UNE! USE THE WEAPONS!" one of the White Fang members shouted, prompting the group to switch to their stolen UNE firearms—SMGs, pistols, and assault rifles.

Emerald and Mercury quickly grabbed UNE M9A5 pistols, their expressions steely with determination. Cinder, despite the chaos, grinned in glee. "Fire at those soldiers!" she commanded.

The second the triggers were pulled, the UNE guns exploded in the hands of their attackers. A cacophony of small detonations filled the air, followed by screams of pain and confusion as the weapons malfunctioned catastrophically.

Emerald and Mercury were thrown back by the blasts, their hands and faces scorched by the sudden explosions. Several White Fang members were incapacitated instantly, clutching at their injured limbs and faces.

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