Chapter 8: Pain, Public and Docks...

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Author's Note: A Good part is inspired by Sithlord863.

As the day came to a close, the marines bid farewell to the students, promising to keep in touch and return the next day. They left Beacon Academy with a newfound respect for the students and their abilities, and with the hope that their presence would continue to strengthen the bond between the Marines and the students and staff.

As the Marines were heading back, Anthony and Pavel noticed Emerald walking the opposite direction of the FOB and waved at the marines. Pavel followed Emerald until she turned a corner.

Pavel caught up but Emerald was gone.

"Nice try, Sustrai." Pavel said he roundhouse kicks Emerald who was hiding in plain sight using her Semblance, Hallucinations.

She backs away a bit but lost her footing and fell. Disoriented from the quick hit to the temple, she tries to stand but fails.

Pavel approached Emerald cautiously, his expression unreadable as he observed her struggle to regain her footing. Despite the situation, there was no malice in his demeanor, only a calm resolve.

"Easy there," Pavel said, his tone surprisingly gentle. "No need to make this harder than it needs to be."

Emerald, still disoriented from the blow, looked up at Pavel with a mixture of confusion and fear. She knew she had been caught, and the realization weighed heavily on her.

"What do you want?" Emerald asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Pavel crouched down beside her, his gaze unwavering. "Answers. Why were you following us? What are you up to?"

Emerald hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But under Pavel's steady gaze, she knew there was little point in lying.

"I was... curious," Emerald admitted reluctantly. "About the Marines, about you. I wanted to see what you were all about."

Pavel nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Curiosity can be a dangerous thing, especially in times like these. Are you left handed or right?"

Emerald was both confused and a little frighten about that question, "What?"

Pavel put an arm another her neck and looked at her with an ice cold unblinking stare and asked again, but slowly, "Handed, are you right or left handed?"

"Right." She said now in fear, but not sure what he meant.

"Give me your left hand." She hand her left hand to her, "Remember, this was on you. And your punishment for it." He then breaks her hand.

Emerald cried out in pain as Pavel snapped her hand with a swift, decisive motion. She recoiled, clutching her injured hand and staring up at Pavel with wide eyes filled with shock and fear.

"Why... why did you do that?" Emerald gasped, her voice trembling with pain and confusion.

Pavel stood up, his expression remaining impassive. "Consider it a reminder. Actions have consequences, and curiosity can sometimes lead to pain."

Emerald struggled to her feet, her hand throbbing with agony. She knew she had crossed a line, and Pavel's punishment served as a stark reminder of the risks involved in meddling where she didn't belong.

"I... I understand," Emerald muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I won't interfere again."

Pavel nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Good. Remember this lesson, Emerald. It may save you from greater harm in the future."

With that, Pavel turned and walked away, leaving Emerald to nurse her injured hand and contemplate the consequences of her actions. As she watched him leave, she knew that she had learned a valuable lesson—one that she would not soon forget.

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