Chapter 13: Logistics, Walk, Caught, and FOB...

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The sun was beginning its descent on a clear Friday afternoon at the Forward Operating Base near Beacon. The atmosphere was calm but charged with the sense of duty that characterized the daily routines of the Marines stationed there. Staff Sergeant Anthony Towson and Staff Sergeant Jie Ling, both respected and seasoned in their roles, were summoned to the office of Lieutenant Colonel Johann Bauer.

[Jie Ling: A Chinese Marine Corps, Staff Sergeant, 27 years old, 6'1", and a muscular woman]

[Jie Ling: A Chinese Marine Corps, Staff Sergeant, 27 years old, 6'1", and a muscular woman]

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As they approached the office, the two staff sergeants exchanged a look of mutual respect. Towson, known for his unwavering resolve and leadership, and Jie Ling, renowned for her strength and tactical acumen, were both key figures in their units.

"Staff Sergeants Towson and Ling reporting as ordered, sir," Anthony said, standing at attention as they entered the office.

Lieutenant Colonel Johann Bauer looked up from his desk, a map of the base and surrounding areas spread out before him. He was a tall German man with a commanding presence, his sharp eyes reflecting years of military experience. He gestured for them to relax.

"At ease, both of you," Bauer said, leaning back in his chair. "I've got a new assignment that requires your expertise. We're conducting a comprehensive logistics check at the armory. There have been some discrepancies in the inventory reports, and we need to ensure everything is accounted for and in proper order."

Anthony nodded, understanding the importance of the task. "Understood, sir. We'll make sure everything is thoroughly checked and reported."

Jie Ling added, "We'll coordinate with the armory personnel and conduct a full audit. Any discrepancies will be identified and rectified."

Bauer handed them a folder containing the assignment details. "I've included the current inventory reports and the previous month's data for comparison. You'll also find a list of all personnel with access to the armory. Cross-reference everything and ensure there's no unauthorized access or missing equipment."

"Will do, sir," Anthony replied, taking the folder.

Bauer stood up, signaling the end of the briefing. "I trust both of you to handle this efficiently. If you find anything unusual, report back to me immediately. Dismissed."

As they left the office, Anthony and Jie Ling discussed their plan of action.

"We'll start with the most recent inventory and work our way back," Anthony suggested. "Divide the tasks between us to cover more ground quickly."

Jie Ling nodded in agreement. "I'll handle the firearms and ammunition. You take care of the explosives and specialized equipment. We can cross-check our findings at the end of each day."

With their plan set, they headed towards the armory, their minds focused on the task ahead. The armory was a crucial part of the FOB's operations, and ensuring its integrity was paramount to maintaining the base's readiness and security.

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