Chapter 14: Training

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The next day, the two groups were doing morning PT... and most of Teams RWBY and JNPR were already exhausted.

Anthony, David, Mari, Igor, Shino, Jie, Kang, Felix, Dae, and Michael were also ordered to treat them like Marine Recruits.

In other words, treat them like they don't know them.

The sun had barely risen when the morning PT session began, the air still crisp with the early morning chill. The combined group of marines and students assembled on the field, ready for the grueling session ahead. The marines, seasoned and disciplined, stood tall and prepared, while the members of Teams RWBY and JNPR tried to muster the same level of readiness, though the weariness from the previous day was evident on their faces.

Anthony and David, now donning the iconic USMC Drill Instructor hats, stood at the front of the group, their presence commanding immediate attention and respect. The rest of the marines, Jie, Kang, Felix, Dae, and Michael, flanked the students, ready to push them through the rigorous PT regimen.

"Alright, listen up!" Anthony's voice boomed across the field, cutting through the morning silence. "Today, you are marine recruits. That means we expect nothing but your best. No excuses. No complaints. You give us everything you've got and then some. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" The response from the students was a mix of enthusiasm and trepidation.

David stepped forward, his gaze stern and unyielding. "First up, we're starting with a three-mile run. Fall in line and let's move!"

The group set off at a brisk pace, Anthony and David leading the charge. The marines maintained a steady rhythm, their movements synchronized and efficient. The students, though trying their best to keep up, quickly began to feel the strain. Ruby and Jaune, determined but visibly struggling, lagged slightly behind, while Pyrrha and Ren, though faring better, also showed signs of fatigue.

"Pick up the pace, recruits!" Jie barked, running alongside the students. "This isn't a leisurely jog. Push yourselves!"

Kang and Felix ran at the back, ensuring no one fell too far behind. "Keep moving! Don't give up!" Kang encouraged, his tone firm but supportive.

After the run, the group was directed to a series of high-intensity exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, and squats, all performed in rapid succession. The marines demonstrated each exercise with precision, expecting the students to follow suit.

"Get those knees up, Jaune! Don't slack off!" David commanded as he supervised the students' efforts.

"Ruby, you call those push-ups? Get down and give me twenty more, proper form!" Anthony's voice was relentless, pushing the students to their limits.

Weiss, normally composed and elegant, found herself struggling but gritting her teeth in determination. Blake, her usually calm demeanor showing cracks of exhaustion, continued to push through the pain, her resolve unwavering. Nora, despite her boundless energy, also felt the burn but refused to back down, her competitive spirit driving her forward.

The marines maintained their tough exterior, but there was a method to their madness. They knew that pushing the students beyond their perceived limits was necessary to build their resilience and strength. As the session progressed, the students began to find their second wind, their initial exhaustion giving way to a newfound determination.

Pyrrha, always the warrior, set an example for her teammates, her form impeccable and her endurance unwavering. Ren's calm focus helped him maintain his pace, his steady presence a source of encouragement for the others. Yang, fueled by her competitive nature, pushed herself harder, determined not to be outdone.

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