Dirty Drawing

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'Okay. I know I should be pretty thankful and think of myself as lucky since the President of the art club chose me of all people to help get a photo of her, but I also have to ask why me? I really was hoping to laze about and go home,' Y/N thought.

"Are you ready?" she asked, her sharp voice rousing Y/N from his thinking. Her body drew his eyes to her straight away.

Despite being a female, she was tall for a high schooler; perhaps the tallest female, and one of the taller students in general. Her beauty was obvious, even if you looked at her lusciously, long, straight, dark purplish-black hair that reaches the end of her back (even when she keeps it tied up in a ponytail) and a jagged fringe. She has a royal pallor, delicate-looking, fair skin - even the sun was a rival to her brightness. Her Junoesque, athletic physique seemed unreal, especially when complimented by her firm butt, massive boobs, a thin waist, long legs, and slender arms.

'D-did they just wobble like jelly?' Y/N thought as he watched her bend even just a mere few centimetres. 'And those are somehow natural? What is she eating?' Y/N was mentally thanking that he came.

"Let us begin. I shall pose in many variations. Make sure to catch each of them in stunning quality to the best of your ability. This is all for the sake of art!" she declared, as if she was giving a great speech to dictate the future of the country.

Y/N dumbly nodded at that but made sure to focus when taking the pictures. He would put his hand out and tell her to stay in a pose if it wasn't good enough. Something about the President's desire to go all out and really strive towards art, it sparked passion in Y/N and he smiled, not from lust but from the pure joy of experiencing ones craft to the fullest.

The President pulled the camera from the beaming Y/N. "What's with the bright face? It's a bit too passionate for camera work, is it not?" she asked. Her eyes scrolled through the photos. 'Such vivid detail. Holding those poses were worth it.'

"Isn't it obvious? Doing photography, making sure you held your poses, and that the camera was fully focused, it was amazing! Being able to flawlessly capture images and making sure your heart was to be held to the standard you want was amazing!" he said with a great smile.

The usual scowl on the President's face was replaced with one of surprise when she heard that. Her eyes glossed over his frame once again, something catching her attention through touch, before stopping at the bulge in his pants. "And? When did that appear?" she said, pointing her index finger.

Y/N's face went blank with shock as he looked down and gave him a quick mental prayer as the tent in his pants was for all to see. "U-um... Well, before you kill me, can I just say that I was actually so focused that I didn't even realize that this happened?" Y/N gave a bodhisattva face and put up a prayer sign. He bowed down. "Forgive this sinner..." he told her dramatically.

"Remove your pants. Right now," she said.

Don't think... Just accept. That was saying that Y/N instinctively followed as he released his cock from his pants, but he was still wearing his shorts. "I-I guess you want me to take off my top, too," he said, with the President just staring at him. "I'll take that as a no"—the President's eyes narrowed and he gulped—"like I said, that must be a yes," he said, leaving himself fully nude. It was a bit embarrassing since he didn't have the most perfect physique.

"It's very large. Y/N, allow me to service this," she said, getting down on her knees and working his dick between her hands. "This will make for valuable experience in posing," she explained to the confused male.

Y/N really didn't have anything to say. What could he say? Instead, he was stiff, like his cock, as Sana continued to watch with fascination at the way it grew. "Is this really such a great experience? Not that I mind this," he pointed out, the situation never getting any stranger.

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