Horny Halloween

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Halloween. A beautiful day where people dress like retards to get sweets. The day gets dark, people show off their innovative costumes, then everyone forgets about it as they think about how much candy they'll consume. For a few others, even this festival is the perfect time to create some villainy. Devious timing coming in full force as the battle between heroes and villains continue even at a time like this.

For one man, he's decided to take advantage of this festival to create some mischief. Not in the name of an organisation or by creating mass destruction. No, the menace just wanted to do it out of a simple compulsion. "I haven't tried this one before, but let's see if my big boy grimoire has something for me to look into," he spoke to himself, grinning as to what might happen.

To make it successful, this had to be done before Halloween. A series of efforts needing to be applied as Halloween was a big time, people had plenty of celebrations to do. A tough effort that would truly be worth every bit of difficulty it was as the malicious smile splitting his skin couldn't stop itself from forming.


Being a respected villain was something Jinx moved into doing. Given her bad luck powers and probability abilities, being a villain was perhaps the better route for her. Being shunned because of it was one reason that she allowed herself to step into the world of being a criminal. Another of course was the respect she had for another villain, Madam Rouge.

Getting into H.I.V.E felt like it would be the perfect time to boost her criminal CV, if you will. The result: very disappointed. Like many people looking at the person they've been talking to for weeks and being put on Catfish. Straight embarrassing.

Taking the criminal route was meant to be more fruitful and less hard work, being the own boss of operations. While that was true, she didn't expect for the lot of them to be so sorry. It was to the point that Jinx was actively trying to whip them into shape and get them to being more villainous.

'I shouldn't be surprised. It's my bad luck, without a doubt. Fine. I guess I'll just go and do something. It's Halloween, after all!'

What could she do? Jinx didn't have an idea to start with, but stealing was a good start. The event required and outfit, with Jinx taking one good look at her body before deciding that she needed what was out in stores. Her eye catching a group of fabric combined that made an 'outfit' rather than something that would be considered an outfit on its own. Looking at it, Jinx realised this was the one she wanted. Only for that to disappear.

Then everything else went chaotic. Jinx was sane, but everything else turned insane as shops and the like found their merchandise disappearing, frankly turning into a parent who said he needed to get the milk. Not a single sign of it present as Jinx was feeling what the people were feeling: astonished disbelief.

Halloween was gone. Everything was in shambles. The heroes trying to find who was responsible with as much success as Stevie Wonder trying to watch Persona 4. Villains feeling robbed and, in an ironic twist, supporting the heroes to find who was responsible. The abominable (for villains) Teen Titans pulling up with a plan to do something.

"Kid Flash... huh? He'll probably catch the group responsible. Guess it'll be my chance to nab what I can."

A face appeared behind her. "Are you sure about that?"

With a group of people, Jinx's yelp couldn't be heard as she found herself elsewhere. A smug face that even Jinx felt like she could punch as she looked to her surroundings. "J-just my luck. I end up being stolen as well."

"Hey, don't get mad. You aren't being sold like all the Halloween stuff behind you," Y/N told her.

Following his advice, she turned to see that he wasn't playing. Somehow, someway, practically every Halloween item for celebration and more were gone. Trapped and on display. Despite how large it would have been, everything was clearly presented to her as her eye lit up for the outfit.

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