Amazingly Awakened

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The page turned by her smooth hand as Frieda tried to take her mind of all the things that she bore on her shoulders. A heavy sigh came as she slumped down against the fence, clutching it for support as a forlorn face was written all over her expression. At times like this, Frieda really wished that she had company with her. The burden of holding the information to save lives, but being unable to use her might to liberate those suffering pulled to her heart. 'Ironic. I consider them sinners but what about me? Am I any better?'' she admonished herself, her heart rate increasing and her breaths becoming more pronounced as she tightly gripped the strands of her hair wildly, threatening to tear them out before collapsing in shock. The wet drops staining the grass were the only sign that Frieda was still conscious.

Her white sleeve turned gray at the collar of her sleeve as she spent a while to compose herself and catch her breath back. She cooled herself off by focusing on removing the inevitable split ends that plagued her drooping dark hair; it was oddly cathartic, and something that she found herself doing many times as the dark dealings of depression in the back of her mind sometimes drove her into complete changes in her usually pure and indiscriminate personality. She wasn't sure if she had insulted a commoner yet but the coast seemed clear to her as no surprising looks were on her. Then again, they could be hiding it.

Grass was plucked from the ground as she crushed them, just like how her heart had felt crushed when she found how truly powerless she was. "W-why... Why can't all this madness end? Is that what it felt like, uncle Uri?! How did you cope with the blood on your hands, knowing that you possessed the power but the lives were disregarded all the same! I... I don't think I can go on like this. I can use the Founding Titan, remove the titans living in the walls and save us from the threat of the Marleyan military! Karl Fritz... why did you bestow this curse on us?! Pacifist?! We're going to die, and your choice has killed us all!" she cried out, twisting the fabric of her shirt into a spiral. "They aren't sinners... they have no clue about anything because I... I take their memories. All those Titans... those poor lives, all those humans—Subjects of Ymir—were just innocent people..."

"W...What was that all about?" a cracked voice spoke from behind Frieda.

Unfurling herself from the prostrating position, her eyes widened when she saw a young male, usual black hair and eyes but he had some height to him, especially since Frieda wasn't too short herself. Frieda didn't need to be a genius to see that he had heard everything, and so much questions and emotions was brewing that his body probably couldn't take it as his eye was a match for Freida's thumping heart, unable to stop moving as the whole body suffered at the intense reaction that all sprung from Frieda crying out her woes.

"Just what the hell were you saying there?! Humans to Titans?! Founding Titan?! Subjects of Ymir?! You don't seem to be joking but just what the hell have you nobles been hiding from us?! If you like to see us suffer, then you seem to have already gotten a good dose of that already! I'm going to tell everyone about the truth! There's nothing you can do about it! he shouted, running out towards the fence entrance with Frieda trying to catch him. 'I'll jump over the fence!' he thought, preparing for it.

"Just wait!" Frieda called out, unable to think of the possibility of using the Founding Titan's powers to simply quiet him. Luckily for her, the wish for him to stop was granted as Y/N failed to fully jump over the tall fence and he screamed in pain as his knee bashed against the wood, thin splinters using his leg as a surface as they irritated every pore in his body to the point he lost the power to move. "Please, just wait," Frieda said, running over and helping pick the splinters out from his body, despite his reluctant look.

A spiteful glare sent her way made her shudder before she continued to aid Y/N, all the while trying to think about how to talk to him but he beat her to it. "You seem so kind... so why are you doing this? Why do you have to lie to everyone?" he asked her, more calm than before but still holding a damning look at her. "I should just tell everyone right now."

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