PAWG Psychokinesis

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Y/N had to hold in his laughter as he waited for Tatsumaki to put on the lotion that he had collected. See, Y/N had found something pretty peculiar after killing some villains. It appeared to be some sort of lotion, confusing as to what kind of reason they would have for possessing something like this. However, after seeing the effects, Y/N had to know if it would work on humans. Sure, he could use himself as a test dummy, but Y/N wasn't sure if things might accidentally lead to him swelling up and just killing himself... That's why he needed a willing test subject, willingness was the hardest bit.

Thankfully, in the form of a psychokinetic PAWG, Y/N had a chance to convince the S-class Hero. Usually, she'd refuse but he hit the pride and Fubuki button at once. This gave Y/N the chance to challenge her to a drinking contest. Y/N was chuckling multiple times as Saitama kept taking the sake from her, calling her a child. A coupon for meat off at the supermarket from Y/N was enough to make Saitama leave the thick-thighed woman as she continued chugging. "T-this is no problem! I can take 100 more!" she shouted. "Oi! You better be keeping count!" she shouted.

Y/N just gave a faux smile as he poured another bottle into his mouth, using one of his abilities to send the alcohol into a pocket dimension. The flushed face of Tatsumaki, her ass shaking as she tried to focus but she hiccupped and panted as even the show of how she carried the cup of fermented rice fluids. 'I kinda feel bad about doing this to Tatsumaki but she can be a big booty bitch at times. A big one! Hopefully, this will teach her a thing or two about humility,' he thought, thanking the power of peripheral vision as he could watch her bottom-heavy package sliding, just waiting for something to be put inside...

Eventually, it all became too much for Tatsumaki and she collapsed, cheeks jiggling, as she ended up spilling the sake on the floor. "W-what are you waiting for? I can still..." The rest of her speech was drowned out as drool seeped from her mouth. Her pose, everyone thought (apart from Saitama and Genos), was quite adorable as she continued to fall deeper into her drowsy state.

Immediately, Y/N whipped out his phone and started taking pictures and videos, everyone looking at him with a weird look. "Oh, this?" he said, pointing to the camera. "This is just blackmail material I'm collecting because I think we can all agree that Tatsumaki really gets on her high horse," he pointed out, their looks turning to ones of agreement as Y/N kept on collecting more and more material as he waited for Tatsumaki to wake up... and she was awake.

Everyone thought Y/N was fucked, until she started floating in the air and started flying around in the same fashion a kid plays with their rocket ship. Giggles came from her in a creepy fashion as Atomic Samurai's katana flew out of her hand and began zipping all over the place, slicing through Zombieman over and over again, her cackling never ceasing as everyone ran out of the building while Y/N still stayed for that extra bribe material.

The shenanigans ensued for longer before Tatsumak finally relaxed, the alcohol in her veins calming her childlike abuse of powers. The matters at hand was discussed the next day, and everyone had to hold in a giggle as Tatsumaki was the laughing stock of the S-class heroes as they were luckily spared from her wrath, since it made her look bad. 'These! Honestly, I'd crush them all if they weren't needed! But it's not like I can't do everything myself! Especially that baldy!' she complained, thinking about Fubuki instead, immediately calming down her mind at her little sister.

"Oi," Y/N said, making Tatsumaki glare at him as he addressed her in such a way. "You do remember that we had a bet, Tatsu! I win, you have to try out the new experiment that I had! You got drunk, so experiment time! It's home time, let me take you home!" he said in a patronizing way, purposefully spelling it out in a way that would make her seem like a kid that was going to go home from school. 'I love teasing her,' he thought.

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