Prized Prisoner Purpose

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"For a group funded by the Holy See, you would think your services would be better. But I guess that's what to expect from the Holy Iron Chain Knights. Whenever you get bored, just tell me when your pyrophilia starts. I don't want to miss the show."

Farnese gritted her teeth, exhausted from attempting to whip him. This whole event had been nothing but shame for her as the leader commanding these knights. After following a mound of corpses, they happened upon a demon of a man, built tall and strong, with blood and a slab of iron accompanying him as his weapon.

Sure of this man to be the Hawk of Darkness mentioned in their scriptures, Farnese ordered her men to take him down. Only for this random assailant to come by and start taking down her soldiers. No lethal force was applied, but the lot of them were taken down like flies. Only for the man to surrender out of nowhere. It was confusing; he hadn't applied lethal force, interrupted their investigation, then gave up so casually the moment he met Farnese's eyes. It was unnerving.

Another flash of the whip was quickly launched at him, only for empty air to greet it. How many times had it been since this had happened? No matter what she did, Farnese could never strike him. In front of the few worship items she had, it made things all the more embarrassing to her.

Her ladylike charm disappearing as Farnese just tried to hit him, do anything. Her hands clasping their insignia. Raising it up, Farnese brought it down against him with no hesitation. Once again, Y/N easily slipped past and his hand reached out to grab her smooth hands, ones clearly not used on the battlefield. "Isn't this precious? You shouldn't do that, you know."

Both rage and disappointment filled her as Farnese dropped to the ground, the air sucked out of her by pure fury. Try as she might, her hatred could only do so much. "Just leave!" she whispered, blankly staring at the insignia she tried smashing.

Y/N proceeded to ignore that request.

"Didn't you hear me?! Leave! Now! You're life is nothing, you serve ZERO purpose. You should kill yourself, NOW!" Farnese rambled, having half a mind to put Serpico on him to end his existence

"Are you done with your time of the month?" Y/N asked.

The crudeness of his statements were as vile as ever, enough to make her retch, Still, Farnese lacked the power to do anything. Every time, they'd lock him up, but somehow he would just get out and proceed to taunt her. He was like a phantom, there to mock her, only to fade away whenever Farnese called. She had resigned it all being useless.

"What do you want?"

"You," Y/N said, making Farnese freeze up. "You see, I did just stop you from breaking an important relic, so I think it's only fair I got compensated. Not to mention, you totally got the wrong guy. You really think some worn-out man with a sword matches any figure of a hawk. I know it's believing while seeing, but you can't be that blind, can you?"

Farnese lost it with him. "Just take me! You're too much for me to comprehend, I... I clearly can't stop you," Farnese weakly spoke, shivering in a contradictory way as Y/N made his way towards her. Part of her was saying she didn't want this, that it was her chance to surprise him and take him out. Whilst another was telling her to continue going at it, a possessed portion of her psyche driving herself forward.

The very first kiss of hers, taken by someone meant to be a prisoner. Shame with enough strength to cut her down poured into her, yet Farnese refused to fall through with it. She was already damaged enough as it is, what was the point of trying to put together a plate that had cracked in two.

It started with just their lips against one another, neither one mounting the pressure to increase the pleasure. A heat between the two that wasn't pounced on, instead continuing to stir up the sensualness as the both of them met with a kiss that was strong enough to make some noise. They repeated the action like sprinkling salt on food.

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