Quaking Quadrants

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The life of a student isn't simple. The cursed reality of exams a barrier to complete decadence. But it can be easily rectified with studying. If not, then it's rough. However, true hardship cannot be understood when one had to teach someone incompetent. Yet the only way to make it worse is if it's 5 idiots to teach.

How many times had Y/N put his hand on his face? He'd lost count, brain rotting, and being forced to intervene on their mistakes and reteach what he had just gone over. For him, it was amazing that they could all have subjects they excelled in, yet even those were lukewarm compared. It just made it all the more worse when moving onto the subjects that weren't their strong suit, which was the current catastrophe he was facing.

Everything that he could think about when it came to teaching the 5 failures was used, but every single moment felt like time wasted. How long had he gone on teaching them? Many times he had to remind himself that the pay was worth it, but there was a limit to what money can buy. This is true even for the mass majority of people who love money. The issues with the job can override one's love for money, such was the situation.

The 5 of them just made him lose brain cells. Even thinking about one of them—whether it was Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba or Itsuki—was bringing pain to every part of his body. Sure, they were quirky, beautiful, and rich. However, those were not true substitutes. Desperation hitting his peak, he played the last idea that he had.

"Is this a joke?"

Those were words that he was asking himself when he opted for the decision, but there was nothing else in his sanity to play. Y/N played the professional as best he could, opting to accept that things would never be the same after this. Might as well play the supporting tutor as best he could.

"It sounds silly, but it's another option. It just might be what the 5 of you need. You shouldn't underestimate how easy the human brain can be wired to accept things and change. It might be what you need, so let's just go with it. I'll even throw in my services as a cook if that would sweeten the deal."

Ichika laid her head on her chin and smirked. "You're really going all into this? You make it seem like everything is going to break up."

'That's exactly what's going to happen!' Y/N thought, making sure to hide his reaction behind his neutral, bored expression.

"I guess we can allow that!" Nino huffed, trying not to sound excited.

Yostuba grinned as she twirled her pencil lazily atop her score sheet, a litter of red that highlighted how inadequate she was at using her brain. "Don't worry, we still think you're the better cook."

"I know that! J-just hurry up and continue studying!" Nino told Yotsuba, burying herself into focusing to ignore the embarrassment she felt. Not the type to admit things.

Itsuki and Miku took to focusing more while the others took time to settle down. As soon as Y/N heard his education hypnosis video was playing, he took to focusing in the kitchen. If there was one thing that he had faith in, it was cooking. Cooking meals for the 5 of them required him to understand their difference preferences as well as accounting for the cooking time due to their separate interests.

'Yet this is still less stressful than teaching the 5 of them,' he commented with some humour at his situation, slightly surprised there wasn't any signs of being distracted from the quintuplets. They were almost deathly silent.

Not letting his concern get to him, Y/N just continued finishing up his cooking. Taking into account the video and all the work they had, he should have plenty of time. A final check on everything, powerful smells of his efforts leaving the kitchen. Y/N had no confidence his last resort would work, but he could take pride in that his cooking would be something positive.

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