Snowy Season

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It's the most wonderful time of the year! I just have one query: "Why the hell does everyone celebrate Christmas so much?" Y/N mumbled, yawning. It wasn't that he was trying to be a contrarian, but it's just that it didn't interest him in the moment. The presents, the foods, all of it didn't matter to him. The main reason he found himself currently hating on it was because the main man wanted to buy something from the shops, only for them to be closed because it was Christmas. Okay, he really should have expected they'd be close, but that didn't mean he could accept it.

'Nothing ever happens anyway. And Santa isn't even real, which I guess is a good thing. I mean, seriously, he knows when you're sleeping? Why does bro need to know that? And how does he know if I've been good or bad? Is he spying on me?!' An epiphany hitting Y/N in that moment. "That's it! Santa works for the government, that fat bastard!"

Right as he said those words, a loud noise shook the house and it sent Y/N cautiously approaching where it came from. Being robbed is not something that he wanted on Christmas, but we don't always get what we want. He just hoped that Santa hadn't taken his shit talk personal and given him a visit because he definitely had been a bad boy - there were a few homework folders.

The red and white garb put him on edge, then it went away in the next instant. Firstly, there were two dressed Santa's. It seemed like it would be prepare for trouble and make it double, but they were laid out. The second thing he noticed were two girls; one with silver hair, the other with vermillion.

Now, it was nice that perhaps Santa decided to treat the bad boy to two Christmas-dressed baddies on a day he was actively shitting on, but that didn't mean things were safe. Y/N knew best not to underestimate the danger of things. A quick search around his house allowed him some nice restraints to bind the two beauties together. All that was left was for the two of them to wait.

Between the both of them, Mimosa and Noelle had no clue why they ended up in this mess. All they knew for sure was that they had to partake in Santa activities that honestly bordered onto illegal shenanigans with the trespassing of property. Therefore, it was honestly understandable that, as they shook their heads and tried to get a good sense of their surroundings, they found themselves tied to each other.

"Two random ass Santa's whose names I don't know," a voice started, the two of them looking to see a man sitting on a chair that was the opposite away from him; his arms resting on the top of the chair like a mastermind villain, "it has been decided you will be secretly executed by Jujutsu High - ah shit, wrong introduction." All sarcasm quickly thrown out. "Anyway, who the hell are you two?! I know I shit talked Santa, but I didn't expect two Santa's to come from my chimney."

After a brief explanation about the two of them, with an understanding of both their names, Y/N nodded. "Ah, I see, calling the cops, I guess. Y'all are way too freaky with it," he spoke, dialling the most useless defence force in the world.

"H-hold on a minute! That's unfair, isn't it?!" Noelle called out. "I mean, it was all an accident. Shouldn't you help clean us up or something? I could use water."

Mimosa nervously laughed. "I think you're making it worse, b-but we really do apologise for the mistake. Can we... make it up for you, um... eh?"

"Y/N. One moment," Y/N said, going to fetch water for the both of them before deciding. "Honestly, I have no clue. I guess sex or some shit, I don't really care. I don't celebrate Christmas."

Noelle went red in the face whilst Mimosa was surprisingly composed despite her more meek nature. Mimosa nodding. "S-sure! I can do that, then maybe you'll believe in Christmas!"

"Mimosa! You can't be serious!" Noelle spoke, still not complaining once about doing it in the first place.

"Shit, say no more!" Y/N's blunt nature removed as he untied their restraints. The two of them standing up, their full glory known to him as he got a good look of them. Between the both of them, Mimosa edged her out in the front, but Y/N's eyes weren't deceiving him. That was a slim waist, fat back! That's exactly what he liked, a mental note of how very good they were compared to others he had seen.

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