Worth the Effort

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'Just remember... No matter what, this is all for a greater purpose. The effort's worth it!' Y/N thought to himself, not caring how stupid he would look throwing his arms about in the air, a second suit of skin in the shape of sweat causing his sport shirt and shorts to stick to him like gel as in these desperate times, Y/N could only shout one thing: "FIGHT ON! FIGHT ON! FIGHT ON!" The chant looked like it could fit a 19-year-old who was planning to destroy 80% of the population, but it was just from an inspirational group of bodybuilding students whose biggest muscles were clearly their hearts.

Sweat running through to the surface of his skin with every step he took to the finish line of his exercise, Y/N persevered and finally stopped. The strenuous exercise only requiring him to continue the intense respiration as he slowly walked around the running track. 'I should probably get to doing some stretches soon after. Chris did tell me that stretching is important, that I should do some after finishing a run. What was it? Uh.. yes, static stretching. Something about being done after exercise as a way to lessen muscle fatigue for the next day. If I want to be consistent, then it's going to be something I have to do.

The warmth of the running track spread against his palms as Y/N just visualized the position and stimulated practice runs of what he was going to do. Y/N's breath deepening as he stood and placed his feet hip-width apart; toes facing forward and knees straight but not locked. Placing his hands on his hips and hinging forward at the hip joints, Y/N's hands then reached toward the ground while maintaining a flat back, the warmth of the ground present on his palms as he did so. Holding for three to five breathes, Y/N then rose to the starting position slowly, vertebra by vertebra, to avoid becoming dizzy.

'Alright, that was fine. It didn't hurt, so I guess the wide-leg forward fold continues to stay in my routine.'

From there, Y/N would continue to perform the other static stretches, slowly stretching out his muscles. Whether it be the downward-facing dog, seated hand-to-foot, knee-to-chest, figure-four, reclined cow-face, supine spinal twist, pigeon with quad stretch, happy baby, legs-up-the-wall, all that Y/N had learnt was being put to the test, varying degrees of difficulty for the task, but the determined male allowed himself the willpower to carry on in the hardest of times as a soft murmur left his lips whenever he felt the sensation of stretching.

The door to the judo club flung open, and three girls came out on the porch of the club, garbed in their judo clothes. The three of them had a usual talk, but one of them stopped as her nose began to twist and turn.

"Fujimin, what is it? You're sniffing like a dog," one of them said.

Fujimin turned to the sweat-clothed Y/N. "It's not my fault my nose is sensitive, besides he's dripping in so much sweat I can smell it," she replied.

Y/N turned, eyes narrowing as he realized the girls were talking about him. 'I don't really have anything to say, but I'll just acknowledge them,' he thought, giving a nod to them, and then returning back to continue running laps.

"At least one person is working harder than that Tororo."

Shikki gripped her hands. "Don't remind me. I'm not too fond of some quitter who half-asses her life just waltz in and be a regular again."

Y/N's knee swerved, the exhaustion like an invisible ghost hitting him, but he clenched his teeth and continued to move with the intention of putting all his stamina in. He knew he could have taken a rest, probably should have had a rest, but something pushed Y/N to just continue exerting himself. 'My legs feel like they're going to go get milk, fucking hell! Why am I still running?! I probably look stupid!'

"Uh... you think he's going to fall? He should probably stop running."

Shikki inclined her head on her fist, a tilted view at seeing Y/N looking like he running was on a tightrope, desperately and lucking his way out of not falling to his death. Despite how silly he looked, the contrast between his faulty footwork and passionate willpower etched on his face explained it all.

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