Hornier Hag

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"I'm dating Fern, I'm dating Fern," Y/N sung to himself, happier than the heavens for a very obvious reason. Honestly, he couldn't believe it himself. More than happy to be patient with their relationship. Although Y/N had to admit he was a bit quick to fancy Fern, he couldn't help it. She really was special to him; purple hair was a favourite, a talented mage, and her pout was so adorable!

While Y/N had that 1% feeling to brag to Stark about it, he didn't. After all, Stark was kind and much more competent than him. He definitely didn't need to spark any problems in the team chemistry. They were smooth like butter, better to keep it that way.

Smoothly walking up to the room, Y/N opened up the door and Frieren was there, smirking that smile that usually meant she was in her own world or up to no good. "Heya, Frieren! Looks like you are your usual self. Hey, so I don't know if Fern told you, but—"

"Yes, I know. After all those grimoires she got me, I guess she wants me to pay back by being hard-working. Not that I mind trying this out. It's all new for me, but I guess I'll ask you for a grimoire later as a reward."

Y/N sighed. "Fern, why do I have to practice with the ha... handy but lazy elf," Y/N muttered, slightly lamenting that but definitely not minding it. This was all for training for his first time with Fern. "Still, I sure hope this doesn't mean that she's practicing with Stark... I wouldn't want that," Y/N muttered, slightly unsure about everything now.

The smug smile from Frieren didn't stop as she patted him on the shoulder. "All the reason sooner why you should fuck me," she said, surprisingly blunt about the whole thing as Frieren got to work undressing. The eagerness at which she came forth was one unexpected, Y/N slow on the uptake. "Come on, Y/N. Are you going to make me be the one who is actually ahead for once?" she told him.

A joke in both ways as Y/N swallowed his fears, clothes disengaging as the difference between Fern and Frieren was clear to see. However, there was a charm that Y/N had spin in his heart at seeing her. Thousand year old, buttery smooth hips blessing him, but even Y/N couldn't deny the obvious sight of those thighs. Even though she wasn't packing much in tits, the way her thighs poked out and the amount of meat on them were extraordinary.

His heart picking up faster as Y/N turned away. "Why are you looking away? You aren't shy, are you?" Frieren asked. "The quicker we get this over with, the sooner you can be with Fern," she told him, her tone different.

"Okay, let me not stare too much. I might just get persuaded more than I'm planning too," Y/N told her, making Frieren smugly smile. "Why are you smiling at me like that? Is this the first time you've—"

With instinct that could make him a great fighter, Y/N learned to shut the fuck up before anything screwed him over as he continued to gaze at Frieren. Harder to look away as blood worked double shifts to cover the upper and lower ends. Where to begin? That was a good question as Y/N's vision paced back and forward between what to do.

"I'll help you out," she told him.

"Thanks, I didn't know—"

Stopped right there, Frieren made sure to pause his brain. Y/N on hold as he had to deal with the fucking bakery stacked on his dick, her hips wiggling and really getting in there as Frieren lacked the laziness from before. Actions locked into the art of focus as Y/N had no way to react to the movements she was making, generating so much tension in his body that the ceiling was already becoming the starts ot him, panting heavily like the fight had stretched on.

Y/N's eye making out the smug smile of Frieren as he tried to rouse himself to fight back, only for temptation to overpower his virgin body. Biting his lip wasn't going to do anything as Frieren only needed to exist to put sexual strain on him, taxing his energy already. A lot of it just in his head, though there was no doubt that Y/N was dealing with two boulders bearing down his pelvis, ready to make him lose it if she continued like that.

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