Dick the Demon

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Gathering magic energy was such a chore, but Derieri had no choice. Having been sealed for so long, she needed to gather her strength back before they went on to take out Britannia. A nice group of humans was the easiest way to start things out. The leers making her sigh, though it was no surprise to her. The Purity of the Ten Commandments knew this was going to be something she had to deal with.

Bodies dropping faster than someone trying Meliodas' cooking or listening to the current generation's music as Derieri was on a different type of timing, clearing out the towns people without a care. The magic possessing each of them was meagre, yet the recovery of magic power was still important. "Taking it from the ass, it's not much, but it's honest work," she told herself, wanting to take stronger prey but she would heed the words of Zeldris, for now.

'I'm cooked! I'm cooked! Wallahi, I'm finished!' Y/N thought to himself, wondering how the hell he was going to get out of this one. Y/N was retarded, but being on the spectrum didn't mean there was not a shred of knowledge in him. This was a Demon, the feared Demon from the legends and the First Holy War. Questions of how they even came back could wait as Y/N was too busy trying to find a safe space to run away.

He tripped...

He fucked tripped.

Not even on all fours like Mia Malkova, but the shame was still there as Derieri was on this man like she was stalking him. "Huh, there's another weakling. Coming from the ass, I feel like it's a waste to kill you, but I've got to do what I've got to do," she said, practically talking to herself. That was how irrelevant Y/N was in that moment.

Derieri ready to extract Y/N's soul only to stop when something hit her. What looked to be a pair of scales was growing around Y/N, making her cock her head. Y/N's face showed that he wasn't ready to die. The coward having some fight in him, which Derieri could respect, but it wasn't something she could care about. She met brave people all the same; her fists still crushed them into paste.

Suddenly, nothing happened. Derieri's eyes peeked with boredom for a few seconds, opting to try the act again a couple of times. Her hand directly touching Y/N, yet no soul came out of him. Her eyes focused even harder, more pressure put on Y/N to try and find out why his soul wasn't working. No matter what she tried, nothing came out of him. Derieri pulling him closer. "And you aren't ginger?" she asked him, getting a better look at him.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Derieri had to take a moment to process why she said that herself, still failing to eject his soul from his body. "I'm not sure myself, but you must be something else if you aren't falling to my ability," she told him.

Y/N's turn to grin. "Oh, I can show you!" Y/N told her, moving in what looked like it was an act of getting it in before this Demon caved his head in, both hands run to her tits. Grabbing them, the joy of them came in squeezing the immediately and shaming the Demon in how she allowed herself to be grabbed so easily and played with.

"You're dead!" Derieri growled at him.

"Nah, I'mma fuck now."

Derieri herself was taken aback by this. Were the humans of this generation just stupid?! Sure, Derieri knew her beauty, but this went beyond the simple admiration of her beauty. This was a lust directed to her, with full confidence, with full want, and full awareness that Derieri wouldn't even give him the chance. Seconds wasted thinking about this bizarre human would end here as she raised her arm, the darkness increasing.

Then it was darkness that fell her, suddenly dropping like a fever hit her as Y/N was above her. "You know, I really don't know how a Demon like you doesn't have higher magic, but this is just the perfect situation I'm going to take advantage of!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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