Personal Pillars

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"This is such a hassle. Why do I have to bother with this?" Y/N grumbled as he sped through the terrain. Normally, the task would have just been a heavy endeavour of going for long periods of time running, but Rengoku, the fired up demon that he was, decided that they couldn't just let themselves take it easy. No, they had to torture themselves by having a boulder strapped onto their being as they were more often than not required to skip across the unstable terrain, which further drained them.

Rengoku continued watching everyone with his usual expression. "It's not over yet! We've still got 20 laps to go! Set your heart a blaze!" Rengoku proudly spoke, charging full speed ahead. Although not really wanting to, his competitive side forced him to pick himself up and continue running. While Y/N wasn't too tired to actually need a rest, plenty of others had already fallen behind. It was a pot of honey for him, he could just faint there and feign exhaustion. 'Wait, this bothersome, flaming guy will probably pick it up on the first second. He'll think it's too easy for me, then increase it further. I bet he doesn't even have his crow, anymore. It wouldn't even surprise me if it decided to fly off, never to be seen again.'While the idea sounded like an exaggeration, Y/N had a pretty good hunch that the situation would have been a reality had he stopped. And not one to test the absurdity of the Hashiras, Y/N carried on the task with a bothersome sigh. "Full speed ahead, everyone!" Rengoku's voice called out, sighs of despair at what was looking like only just the beginning.

By the end of it, only Y/N was left not burnt out. It didn't mean it wasn't any less rough, gulping down his water out of boredom rather than exhaustion.

"Very, very impressive! I'm confident knowing I can go on a mission and you'll be just fine!" Rengoku taking off in flames.

Y/N smiled at this. It wasn't that Rengoku was bad. Overzealous, yes. But good-natured and never pushing people beyond what they couldn't do. 'He's not like my other teacher,' Y/N thought with a scowl.

Memories of torture flashed across his brain as the Insect Hashira did not match the slender, sweet figure she portrayed. Slacking off was impossible. In fact, her training was far worse than Rengoku's. She didn't have his overbearing joyfulness, just a stern, by-the-books regiment that had Y/N preferring to do the Final Selection than continue on.

"Well, maybe I can try and hide this time."

"Ara ara."

Y/N closed his eyes, accepted the universe, then opened them. "I can't wait to start training."


"Ah, I really want to quit. She sure doesn't let up. I never thought I'd be wishing for a chance to get Rengoku back. She beat the lunch out of me."

"That's horrible!"

Y/N yelping in surprise at where the sound came from. He turned to see the light, two-tone coloured hair of Mitsuri. Her chest moving ahead of her. "You shouldn't skip out on lunch, come eat with me!"

Refusal was impossible as her hand grabbed him, then control was forfeited. If she held it any longer, Y/N would have had one less arm to use. An excuse part of him doubted Shinobu would buy or care.

Still, a reward was presented to Y/N for his hard work. Coincidental it may be, but getting to share a meal with not only a Hashira, but one that heavily appealed to his hormones was a gift. Her side of the table stacked with an amount fit for a group, not an individual. Y/N opting to use his 'laziness' and Mitsuri's large portions to stall the lunch out for as long as possible.

"It's a bit embarrassing, eating this much in front of someone," Mitsuri muttered.

Y/N shrugged his shoulders. "It makes no difference to me. If you eat a lot, you eat a lot. I'm lazy, so I can't be bothered with things. And that's why Shinobu keeps hounding me. Her training is so rough, it hurts."

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