Glory to Humanity

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11945 AD. Earth is much different to how it used to be. The world has changed dramatically to what past, past generations would expect. A proxy war between the human-made androids and an invading army of Machines from another world. However, even in the dire of times, there is hope to be found.

Weakly, a hand raises itself to the sky, as if the very air could support his failing strength. Everything that had happened to was a blur, like a mirage. 'Where the hell am I?' is all he could weakly think as he laid there.

"Who is that person?" a voice rang out. What followed was a response detailing things; namely, the era they were from and the reason for their current state of being. To the exhausted Y/N, there was nothing of value in him hearing that, if he could hear. However, the same couldn't be said for who was present. "A human from the old era... still on Earth?" the voice spoke, sounding amazed of the event. The tone of it making his brain realise it was a girl.

Y/N managed to briefly catch the dark clothes and the fringe snow hair. "Who are you?" is all he could muster.

"I am YoRHa No.2 Type B. I am an android created to serve humans like you."

A chance meeting that would change the distant future.


2B guided Y/N back to where she came from. She had learned many things about him, such as confirming his origin back from the 21st Century. However, amidst all she learned, the most important thing onboard were the genes of humanity's.

"Genes?" she muttered, unsure on what to think of it. Only the confirmation that details would be sent later answering her.

Along one of the walks taking place, 2B was about to change. Walking, 2B did not understand that her heavy, pale booty swung in the air, almost like a tennis racket violently swinging rapidly, yet this was all done with the grace she had been bestowed with as an android.

"Sensing increased heart rate and blood flow to the human's reproductive organ," a voice announced.

Y/N's face pausing. 'It can sense that?!' he thought, unaware of just how far technology had advanced. A bit too fast for his liking.

2B seized up, a tingle going through her body like that of electricity racing. "What? My female organs temperature is climbing too!" 2B's breathy tone shaking harder.

"Detecting unknown signals from unit's artificial tissue. Preparing to enlarge and grow affected areas."

Like magic, 2B found a new look. The battle skirt that climbed down to her tights were split apart by the new bottom-heavy design. "My buttocks and womb have expanded... why could that be?" 2B feeling herself entranced yet confused.

Only then did her pod instruct her: the YoRHa's body had been altered to receive humanity's genes. A simple task.

Still, one that was coming to be a shock to the human in the new world. 'One, fucking hell, her body is making my breeding instincts act up. Secondly, I think I just came upon the deal of the century. Well, too bad this world seems a mess.'


The two of them proceeded to the safety of a resistance camp, with the end goal of 2B to claim his seed. Inside, it was a bit awkward. 2B hadn't known such a duty before, whilst Y/N was naturally feeling tension from inexperience.

"I see, weight reduction increases performance," 2B noted, as she took a new stance: squatting. The raw sexual energy from her strong, even without further provocation. "Stick my rear out like this?" she muttered, feeling alien in acting such a way, even if it was commands from the pod. It was embarrassing, but she rejected that for the thought of an android not being allowed to house emotions.

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