Fiendish Fall

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"There's nothing better than a pretty woman just begging to be released. Still, you are this cute and you haven't gotten a boyfriend already. Oh, I'm just gonna love you even more."

A simple trip to get fresh air turning into the hottest affair ever as the black-haired teen simply nodded, lipsticks stains all over the attractive male as he preyed on her senses one last time with a sloppy kiss that had her squirting over him, losing her mind in the next moment and promptly out of consciousness battery. The warmth of another man far too much for her to handle, she never even imagined a success at it.

Her warm body pressing close, invigorating the perverted devil as he was practically going Bill Cosby in this bitch, even if full consent was given to him. The need to be lustful seemingly his only purpose as his fingers dug into her clit while grabbing a wave of her flat chest, making the most of what little she had. Not that it mattered, as Y/N fully intended on making sure those tits of hers fattened up by the time he was done with her. 'Or maybe it might be a nice change for a girl to have no tits but a phat ass?'

Deliberating on this beautiful idea didn't last for long as Y/N could feel himself becoming Lex Luthor in that moment, paling as an intense pressure bore down on him. A feeling of being weighed down as big breasts shouldn't have been the first thing Y/N was thinking about upon seeing the woman pull up to his window like the Justice League ready to jump Lex Luthor for being up to no good.

No way to persuade her to leave as she crashed right through, smugly showing that chef swag as she looked down at him. It was obvious he was fucked, cooked, it was all over. 'Wallahi, I'm finished,' he thought to himself, ready to use those ancient Japanese and Canadian apologising and kindness tactics to not end up mince meat.

The Falling Devil's eyes picking up on her target. "I've found my meal. If you will excuse me," she muttered.

'Not my fat-assed, black-haired femcel! I just found her!' Y/N thought to himself, not down to fighting a strong ass Devil but really not wanting to lose the baddie he just got. The idea of not being able to motorboat that fat ass was bringing his determination up to 100%! Remembering his father's words... 'Wait, I didn't have one. Okay, let's see if my mother gave me some advice... nothing's coming up. Did I just take Doofenshmirtz's role?'

The Falling Devil smiled. "I see... a dish can't be prepared instantly. If a customer goes to a restaurant, he must experience it at its fullest. The question is, are you just an appetiser or are you a full course? No... even more than that, I think only you might be the one that can help me with my dish. There are ingredients... ones that you are well-versed in dealing with."

Y/N would have been confused as he had not seen the lick of the lips, already having no shame as Y/N understood what needed to be done. The question is... would he really want to fuck her? Yes, there were big titties to enjoy, a meaty rump, and the idea of expanding her waist wide open through pure fucking was tempting... but the bitch literally was a head and a body, a fucking meal deal like the store trying to milk all the money they could.

"Hell fucking yes!"

No limits for the Erotophobia Devil as he gladly engaged in kissing the Falling Devil. Her name was lost on him but Y/N didn't care about that. He saw something he wanted to stick his dick into, so piping was what came out of him. Her tits blooming out of apron, so much so that the buttons broke with such severe force it punctured his skin.

"Hot," is all Y/N commented, uncaring about the wound, closing up in a manner of seconds as the Falling Devil's titties were far more important, allowing the opening to fully reveal themselves to him as Y/N helped himself .

The Falling Devil doing her best to not be overwhelmed as there was a special feeling with his touches, as if the heightened prowess of every corpse that compiled her were awakened and heightned at the same time. Indeed, her lower body was dripping with more than just sweat as one of the many spare hands she had wiped the beats of sweat. "There isn't milk in there yet, but that is where you can also help me. A chef should be prepared with many things, and a lack of lactating seems most inconsistent if I am to be a proper chef, doesn't it?"

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