Sexy Situation Syndrome

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The sounds of flesh slapping, heavy aching, bed sheets skidding and pleas of mercy doesn't paint a very positive situation. However, the situation was more of a dilemma rather than a torture session. The suffering sap clutched the throbbing hog that was his pussy-gouger. An eye was sealed in concentration as his breath couldn't match the rapid rate he tried to calm down the monstrous limb. His arm having to do a whole marathon to fully engulf every square foot of cock presenting itself, and making the process just that more slower with his current level of energy. As impressive and lucky as he was to own such a prized possession, it really did make his current situation very annoying when he had to arch his back forward just to go 100% on making sure that every inch was fully stimulated.

With another feeling of lightning pouring out of his body, Y/N breathed out a harsh groan from the ejaculation, almost in an angry way, as a silvery blast rushed forward from his dick-slit. It spread out like several bottles of champagne released at once, with the wild fire release of a shotgun, it splattered all over the place. The main directing blast of cum did, however, make forward in a straight lunging motion, creating an audible splash as it landed... onto a slimy mess down at the floor, piling it up at an even more absurd rate.

Groaning at the effort required to get up while in pain, Y/N relented and carried on with his duty. Such is the fate of the living, though there was no place he'd rather be than six feet under at the current rate his body was operating. The lack of a response from his other eye felt like it was magnetized shut, leaving him with no effort to try and pry it open; he was sure pliers were required for such an arduous task. When he did manage to do that, the urge to fall back down hit him like a ton of bricks. It was genuinely frustrating to have to deal with such a problem, and he wouldn't wish it on his worse enemies. "Curse this fucking, stupid-sized dick! I've cum like forty times! How are you not down yet?! I'm making a mess on my floor! It's going to be fucking flooded at this rate!" Y/N ranted, like he was Low Tier God. "You're nothing! You serve zero purpose in life!" he added, not caring for the redundancy of such an argument or the fact that he was highly incorrect about it serving zero purpose in life. It didn't matter to his irregular blood-circulated body.

Laying on his back in defeat, the shadow of the beast loomed over him. A reminder of the constant, aching torture that persisted throughout his body. The lethargic feeling resounding through his body, a lack of blood properly being directed around his body in rapid fashion. His breathing becoming painful gulps rather than the natural process of respiration.

"How can this... be? Why have you chosen me...?" he joked to himself, a weak chuckle as he felt a blanket of darkness drawing around his face.


"Another day where I wake up super early for no reason. Just great," Y/N commented, clearly unimpressed with his daily waking up time.

Whipping out the phone to check the time, the sudden flashbang attack from turning it on made his body jolt, accidentally tossing it up in the air. As desperate as a simp, he flailed around before safely clutching it in a bear hug.

He took a moment to reflect on the close call, so glad his precious phone hadn't been marked yet with a scar. 'That was too close. I've seen it once, so I think it's safe to open up now,' he thought to himself, pressing the power button on and seeing the time allocated: 2:37am.

Grumbling, he turned to go to bed, but stopped himself when he saw a shadow in the kitchen. He cursed the absence of light at the moment. The pain of only being a Second Generation was really hitting at the current moment.

Y/N's heart was a ticking time bomb in his body, the muscular organ pedalling twice as fast in his body as he approached the figure in dark. He'd never admit it, but he really did not like scary things. They were not his forte. A shiver cut at his spine when remembering their adventures in the Netherworld. Never had he been so glad to be with Iris and Tamaki until that day.

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