An Elf Elsewhere

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"You're a strange one."

"So I've been told."

The smug-looking elf never yielded from her chair as she gazed towards the human looking down on her; she was that small. The warrior looked at her normally, without regard of her special status as an elf. Even if humans were surrounded by fantasy, there hadn't been a case where it was a natural human reversing the role.

The man, no, the thing before her was one such being. By all accounts, he was a normal human. Yet he was abnormal in how the magic of this world affected him. Every spell that came onto him was reduced to ashes. Even Serie's magic failed to properly put a dent in him. "Still, am I done? I get this is what you wanted me to do. Did I do my job well?"

Serie's smile was extra smug. "Without a doubt. I'm sure this is the first time Frieren has come across someone whose magic has been completely useless on her. It's enough entertainment to last a century."

"Your life must be boring if that is what entertains you."

Serie turned her head to the side, kicking her feet from the chair. "And what about you? What is your entertainment? What do you want? I have any type of magic you would like. Would that tickle you fancy?"

Y/N chuckled a bit. "Maybe if I was a Caster, but I think I want something else. I trust this isn't something you can't grant, but I want to bed you. Or perhaps breeding you might be more accurate?"

"Is there any reason?" Serie asked.

Y/N pondered briefly. "I'm sure my mother would like some grandkids. In my time, I never bothered to find love or start a family. War doesn't allow such a weakness. Not that I'm in a world not like my own, I would like to take this chance."

A smile on the elf's face. "I have no reason to refuse," she said, clicking her fingers and feeling velvet comfort her tushy as she beckoned him with a finger. "Then claim your reward. I'm sure there will be much fun for me if the greatness of your magic resistance is what your penis will look like," she told him.

Y.N more than eager to get into this, finding her confidence arousing as she pulled down the fabric with glee. Her smile growing even wider at seeing the size, her fingers working harder than they had ever in a few centuries. "Are you sure you are fully human?" she asked him, tugging even harder and attempting to seriously milk some more reactions out of him.

An eye closed in pleasure before both were open and facing Serie. "Unless my mother told me of my secret heritage, I'm sure only human blood flows through me. Even if it's a blessed lineage only good for fighting."

Serie hummed as she jerked him off faster, feeling more blood be pumped through it. Even still, there wasn't an ounce of sag or fatigue on Y/N, The mysterious Saber, as he called himself, had plenty of vitality as Serie moved even faster to bring him pleasure. She pumped his length with an excitement for herself as it continued to stretch out and grow thicker, her gentle fingers moving to stroke the powerful veins dancing over his dick as Y/N could feel more than just his dick rise.

It wasn't a battle but his blood grew more focused, as if a duty was enforced onto them. His breathing rising more than it should have, which he immediately enforced back to normalcy while Serie didn't waste her breath, even as the amusement came with its own set of lust for this fat piece of meat that Serie continued to stroke off. 'I can see where the Saber part comes from,' she thought to herself, the slightest shiver of her juices barely making her pussy as Serie was more than happy to go even faster.

"Are you using magic?" Y/N asked.

Serie shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sure such magic would be immediately crushed by your magic resistance," she pointed out to him, jerking him even harder to make that point clear and grinning about it as heavy beads of pre-cum began to bubble to the tip of his dick, each one slowly growing more in size like air to a balloon.

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