Synced By Sports

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"I honestly don't know why you bothered to call me here; actually, scratch that, why am I even here in the first place?!" Y/N complained, practically stomping as his friends were flanked by his side.

The sound of biting could be heard; the friend to his left was biting into a chocolate chip cookie. "It's because you were stupid enough to do a bet again. Don't you remember how exhausted you were after that last bet you made to get Drago into One Piece?" Noire told him.

Drago laughed. "It's a top 2 manga, I'll say. Besides, you can't tell me this won't be something you won't enjoy, Y/N!"

"It's a waste of time. What's so exciting about this sport anyway?" Y/N grumbled. "This feels like SFW lesbian porn," he replied.

"You know," Drago started, biting into a stale pretzel, "that's probably the most unique description I've heard of the sport. Are you wrong? Yesn't, but that's not important. The point is, you've got to come watch one of these with us."

Y/N shrugged. "Fine, then! After that, I can't stay any longer. I've got to get back to torturing my body for the good of my health. Not to mention, I'm wearing this whacky ass outfit to make sure nobody recognises me."

Drago shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. Maybe this will help you get better at your sport," Drago said.

Y/N's face went blank. "First, unless everyone is dribbling the ball by twerking, it's more useless than a screen door on a submarine. Secondly, I'm already one of the best when it comes to basketball, my friend. I've literally scored from my own half before."

"Wasn't that once, though?" Noire chimed in.

"One time too many. Anyway, let's get to watching this nonsense. I really need to reconsider my group of friends after this is done," he spoke, the last sentence spoken in a lower tone.

The sport of Keijo was... eventful, to say the least. It was clear that the girls participating were clearly in good shape, and it wasn't a sport to laugh at because people with lesser stamina would have fallen seconds to minutes after. Still, he just couldn't get over it. No matter how intense it was, this sport still boiled down to ass and tits flying at each others while the crowd, mostly perverse, enjoyed the eye candy being distributed and, strangely, the genuineness of the sport; something that easily looked like it could have belonged in the plot of a shitty hentai, with perhaps shittier animation; Queen Bee?

Y/N's friends had gotten themselves extra snacks as they continued to watch the sport with more excitement than their friend. Noire eating a box of Jaffa cakes and drinking a vanilla milkshake, Drago having pretzels, chocolate chip cookies and a strawberry milkshake. Y/N just finished his fifth pack of some spiral-shaped wafers. Whenever he allowed himself to cheat his diet, they were a go to food that Y/N found himself easily capable of spending the same amount of money a desperate Genshin pay-two-play player might have.

With a few more, honestly speaking as someone well-versed in sports, impressive acrobatics, the winner left standing caught Y/N's eye. Mainly because of her short, wavy, light magenta hair. 'Alright, her hair colour matches my favourite colour. That's a bonus, I guess.'

"Now that I've finally finished wasting my time, I think I'm going to head off and just contemplate life. See you on the flip side," Y/N said, giving a wave to his friends and making his way out.

Taking his sweet time, it was too late for him to realize the person walking in front of him and there was a collision between Y/N. The person he bumped into felt relatively light against him, and they were already on the ground. Putting a hand to help her, the same favoured hair-coloured girl was in front of him. "Sorry about that," he spoke to her.

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