Chapter 37

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Sophia had seen Aiden in his wolf. Though I didn't care much about their romance, I did care for my friend. 

"Werewolves are very real. Take that in." I said calmly, trying to explain it the best I could. 

"Okay...?" She said. 

"Werewolves are creatures that can shift into wolf or human whenever they want." I said, and it felt like I was reading a book to a toddler. 

"Shift, like change themselves?" Sophia asked. 

"Yeah. Werewolves belong to packs, like tribes or something." I told her. 

"Wait. How do you know so much about werewolves?! Don't tell me that you're one of them!" She yelled, quite shaken. 

"I am a werewolf, but we are normal only, you don't need to freak out." I explained. 

"First Aiden, then you?! Is everyone a werewolf?!" She was clearly freaking out. 

I bore my eyes into her, "No, it's only me and Aiden on this campus. Now let me continue."

No one knew this, but my mate had been an Alpha of a pack. He had been killed in a scuffle with the diamond rouges, and me, the Luna, had fled from the pack. That pack wasn't my home. I was only there because of Dexter. 

"In a pack there is a hierarchical system, the top is Alpha, then Beta, and Gamma, and the lowest are Omegas. Aiden, is an Alpha of his pack, or soon-to-be Alpha."

"O-okay?" She said, and it was as if she had been stuck on loop, saying only 'okay'.

"All werewolves have mates, like their soulmates. The ones who have been selected by the moon goddess herself, as a perfect match."

"Aiden said I was his mate. How is that possible?! I'm human." Sophia again on the verge of freaking out. 

"It is extremely rare for a werewolf to have human mates, but not impossible." I said. 

"You and Aiden are mates, whether you like it or not. You must've felt a special bond with him, you must've desired to be in his company." 

A deep blush rose to her cheeks, and she looked quite flustered. "I feel weirdly attracted to him..."

"Of course you do. Don't make this about just you. Being mates with you has affected him way more than it has affected you!" I told her. 

"H-How?" She stammered. 

"Remember how he fainted in the lecture? It was because he was trying to protect you from his wolf. There's a forty-eight hour time before you must claim your mate, or your wolf gets sick and crazy. He's been taking poison everyday to subdue his wolf." I explained it her. 

She blinked, "Aiden is getting sick- because of me?"

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