Laura's Letter

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"Hello guys thanks for coming"Brett says. "Thats okay"Matt said. "Where's Antonio"Gabby asks. ""He's on the sofa with Eva and Diego"Brett says. As Matt and Gabby walk inside with Jim as Violet is carrying Andrea in who's fast asleep in her car seat.  "I'm here Antonio"Gabby said as she and Matt placed Jim down in the chair. "I wasn't sure what to do with this"Antonio said. "What is it bro"Matt and Gabby both say. "I found this among the box of film guys"Antonio said. "It says Upon My Death Funeral Arrangements"Brett said. "Eva Diego this letter is what your mum done while we were married"Antonio said. "We need to open it kids"Gabby said.

As Antonio opens the letter and he reads it out loud.  "Whoever is dealing with my funeral now that I've gone you're probably wondering why I've done this well you can guess why. Well rather than ramble on I'm just going to get on with it own I want my ceremony to be held at St Matthew Church where I want to be buried I want the flowers done in my favourite ones which are Lavender Marigold and Tulips the songs that I want played during my service are I'll See You Again when my coffin is being brought in I Will Always Love You in the middle of the service and You're Still The One I Want at the end of the service I want at least one hymn reflecting me and who I am I want to be buried in an oak wood coffin and the eulogy I want 3 people to talk about me one of them must be your sister Gabby and finally onto the last bit of who will be carrying my coffin into the church and to my burial site I want Matthew Casey Kelly Severide my dad Lance Hank Voight Jay Halstead and Alvin Olinksy. Laura xxx"

"Thats in very detail Antonio"Brett said. "We've got to do Laura's wishes"Matt said. "We've got to honour her"Gabby said. "Dad can we speak about mum together too"Diego and Eva both asks.  "Of course you can kids"Antonio said. "Can we go to our rooms dad"Eva asks. "Yes but remember we're going out soon"Antonio said. "Violet why don't you join the kids and leave us adults to talk"Matt said. "Ok Uncle Matt"Violet said. As Violet joins Eva in her room Jim suddenly realises something. "Are you okay Jim"Matt asks. "Yes and no"Jim says. "What's wrong"Gabby asks. "Just listening to Antonio reading out Laura's letter has got me thinking off when I die and how Violet will react"Jim says. "What are you sating"Gabby asks. "I don't want Violet having to sort everything out"Jim says.

"Why don't we drop Jim and Violet off at the hospital and go and see Louie too before we start sorting out the funeral"Gabby asks. "Thats a good idea then you can come back here"Brett says. "I really need to go to the District and let Voight Halstead and Olinsky know off Laura's wishes before us four get started on the main part"Antonio said. "I can ask Kelly to pop at the hospital to tell him what Laura has asked him to do"Matt says. "Eva Diego Violet can you come out here please"Gabby asks. As they all come out Violet knows that she'll be going to the hospital as Eva and Diego listen to their dad. "How would you like to spend some time with your nan grandad and Louie today"Antonio said. "We'd love that dad"Eva says.

As Matt gets out his cell phone and messages his best friend Kelly Severide who's finished his shift.  "Hello Kelly I need to talk to you straight away at the hospital it's really urgent"Matt says. "I'll be there within 30 minutes and Stella will be with me"Kelly says. "Thats okay"Matt says.  As Kelly Severide finishes talking to Matt Stella has arrived back at base with Foster. "I won't be a minute babe let me just sort myself out first"Stella said. "Thats okay"Kelly said. As Stella Kidd and Emily Foster walk into the house and head straight to the lock room where Stella changes her clothes and and 10 minutes later Stella Kidd comes back out from the house and as Kelly is waiting by the door he takes her hand and they walk to the car. "We've just got to pop round to the hospital before we head home"Kelly says. "Is there anything wrong"Stella asks. "Matt called before you and Foster arrived back and he says it's really important and urgent"Kelly says. "We better go then"Stella says.

As Kelly Severide and Stella Kidd walk to the car and as they get in it Kelly drives away from Firehouse 51 and towards the hospital which is roughly 30 minutes away while over at the house everyone is getting ready. "Violet can you grab your cousin please"Matt asks. "Of course I will Uncle Matt"Violet said. As Violet grabs the baby bag and the car seat which Andrea is fast asleep as Gabby and Matt grab Jim and they walk out the door. "We'll see you later back here should we say 2 1/2 hours"Gabby said. "That gives us all to do what we've got to do"Antonio said. "We'll see you here then"Matt said.

As they all leave the house and head to the hospital just as Kelly and Stella are doing. In the Casey car Violet speaks up. "Uncle Matt Auntie Gabby whats happening this morning"Violet asks. "You and your dad will stay here when us both have got errands to do then w'll be back here"Matt says. As the clock now reads 30 minutes later  later when Matt pulls up in a baby and toddle space and they all go inside where Matt and Gabby helps Jim and they go to see Christie and Sean as Nancy is having a physio session. "We'll be back in 15 minutes guys"Matt says as Brett takes Eva and Diego through to Louie's room. "Can you watch the kids for us we'll explain later"Brett asks. "No problem"Camilla said as Brett leaves the hospital with Antonio and they make their way down to the District as Kelly and Stella arrive at the hospital...

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