In The Court Room

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As the lady shows where Matt Gabby Sergeant Voight Detective Lindsay Detective Halstead Officer Burgess Officer Ruzek Officer Atwater and Detective Olinsky all walk through the court room and they all sit down. As Matt and Gabby's hands was intertwined they watch Neil Brent and Trent walk up the stairs and they stand in the dock while handcuffed to there guard and now that everyone is seated the judge prepares himself to start talking to everyone. "Can everyone be seated apart from the 3 men in the dock"the judge says. As the judge now gets out his piece of paper and puts it down. "Doesn't the judge now what he's got to say"Matt asks. "Don't forget that there's a lot of charges to read out"Voight says. "Okay"Matt and Gabby both say.

"Firstly what you've 3 done is unacceptable no words can describe what you've done, I've been given these medical records from Doctor Natalie Manning, Doctor Will Halstead and Maggie Lockwood who's in charge of the Emergency Department"the judge says. "Here you go"Maggie says. As the judge gets out the scans and images and he proceeds as he carries on. "As I've got these in front of me I'll start with the oldest and thats you Trent"the judge says. "Ok"Trents says. "With these images that I've got in front of me and with the amount of charges that you're facing with what do you have to say for yourself"the judge asks. "Apart from being guilty I've got nothing else to say"Trent says. "I'll carry on"the judge says.

"With you admitting that your guilty for what you've done but you are not showing it all"the judge says. "What makes you think that I'm not showing"Trent says. "You've been under the radar for over 20 years and recently you've upped your game and Trent you can sit down now"the judge says. "Ok"Trent says. "Neil Brent can you stand up please"the judge says. As Brent and Neil both stand up and they're about to listen to the judge. "What I've got in front for me thats listed if your crimes and also with the medical records of those who have suffered because of what you two done is unbelievable what have you got to say for yourselves"the judge says. "We're very sorry for what we've done"they both say.

"Before we adjourn this I'm going to read a statement out"the judge says. "Okay let's hear this"Trent Brent and Neil all say. "In this courtroom theres family and friends of the victims that have all suffered injuries, loss and mental health issues because of your three carelessness. They want you to know what you've done is not acceptable and they'll have to live with life long injuries for the rest of there lives and they want you all to suffer in prison"the judge says. Now that Brent Neil and Trent have listened to the statement from the family and friends of there victims they don't even cry as they all get led back downstairs and they wait in a room while the judge looks at there crimes and punishment before revealing there verdicts.

While the judge takes a break Gabby calls Stella to check on the kids and as Stella has picked up a crying Andrea as Kelly goes and warms up the bottle as Stella answers her cell phone."Hello Stella"Gabby said. "Hello Gabby"Stella says. "How's the kids doing"Gabby asks. "Violets been al quiet in her room since you left"Stella said. "What about Andrea"Gabby asks. "Andrea's just woken up and started crying"Stella says. "It's her feeding time"Gabby says. "Kelly's just warming her bottle up"Stella said. "I'll let you all go and feed her"Gabby said. "See you later"Stella said. As Stella and Gabby finish talking Kelly arrives with her bottle of milk. "Here you go baby"Kelly says. "Thanks Kelly"Stella said.

"That was Gabby on the phone"Stella says. "Is everything going down there"Kelly asks. "Everything is going well and Gabby was calling to check on how the kids are doing"Stella says. "It must be break time at court"Kelly says. "Why don't you go and check on Violet while I feed Andrea"Stella says. As Kelly leaves Stella to feed Andrea to check on Violet back with the Dawson's Antonio Brett Eva and Diego have arrived in Wisconsin as the clock now read 11am. "Dad how far are we from our grandparents house"Eva asks. "About 10 minutes"Antonio says. "Okay dad"Diego said. "Wonder what the day will bring us"Brett said. "Let's get to Laura's parents house"Antonio said.

10 minutes later Antonio pulls up outside Lance and Lorna's house ready to carry on with the funeral arrangements. As Eva and Diego get out of the car and are greeted by their grandparents as Brett and Antonio get the bags out of the trunk. "Hello kids why do't you put your bags in your room"Lance says. "Eva you and Violet are in your mums room theres the airbed for her"Lorna says. "Where am I nan"Diego asks. "You're in your Uncle Jordans room"Lorna says. "Have we got the spare room"Antonio asks. "Yes you two are in the guest room"Lance says. "Where my sister and brother-in-law sleeping"Antonio asks. "We've tidied up the big guest house out in the garden for them both"Lance says. "Thanks"Antonio said.

As Lance shows Antonio where his sister, brother-in-law and niece are staying Lorna takes Brett Eva and Diego to there rooms while back in Chicago the judge as finally come to a decision on the right punishment for Brent Neil and Trent and he gets them brought back up as the lady goes back out into the main hall to get everyone up again. "Everyone's who's here for the verdict of Trent Neil and Brent we're all ready for you all in Room 3"the lady says. As Matt Gabby Burgess Lindsay Halstead Voight Atwater Ruzek and Olinsky all walk back into Room 3 to hear the verdicts and as they all sit down nervously...

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