Chapter 12: Letter

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'...we can get through this. We just need to trust each other.'

Natsu's POV

I have my hand on my eyes. I just can't stop the tears that fall on my eyes right now after I've read Lucy's last letter on the time capsule. There are lots of questions on my head and I want to answer all of it. But I can't seem to find the right answer.

I blame myself for everything.

I'm sorry..."Lucy..."

"Natsu!" I heard her voice. I turn around and I see her standing there.

"Lucy!" I said and stood up. I realize that my face is wet that's why I wipe it as fast as I can with my hands.

"What are you doing here--" I didn't even get to finish what I want to say because she suddenly do something that I didn't expect. She runs to me and hugs me in the neck.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I felt responsible to it." She said and let go of me. What is she talking about?

"The company needs you. The American investors are at the company and you are schedule today for a conference with them again to present your proposal to them. Sam is keeping them busy but she can't hold them for long. They need you to present the proposal Sir. Natsu." Lucy said

"I completely forgot about them. I'm sorry. I'll go to the company now." I said and we went to her car. I sit on the passenger's seat.

"I've been calling you Sir. but you are not answering your phone." Lucy said

"Uh..I'm sorry my phone is off." I pick my phone on my coat and dialed for Sam's number

"Sam. What's the current status there?" I said

"Sir. Natsu! Thank goodness you're alright! We are worried about you. The American investors are getting impatient. They want to talk to you now Sir." Sam is really worried

"Alright. Apologize to them for me and tell them that I'm on my way." I said

"Okay Sir." Sam said and hangs up

I noticed that Lucy keeps on looking at my lap. I wonder what she is looking at so I look at it. I didn't realize that the box is still with me. I immediately place it beside me. I'm so insensitive.

"This is just-- I just happen to--I forgot about this but---I just want to know what's inside..." I said trying to find the right words to say. I just face palmed mentally

"You don't have to worry about a thing Sir. Natsu. I don't really care about that now. What happened earlier is nothing. I just felt responsible that this happens." She said still looking at the road with her poker face. I kinda felt sad that, this letters are nothing to her now and that hug earlier is also nothing to her.

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" she said and my heart is racing so fast just thinking of asking her that question.

"Did you...already dig up my time capsule?" I asked looking at her. She looks at me a bit and returns her gaze on the road

"No, I don't think I should." she said that crushed my heart even more

"Is that so?" I said. All the way to the company the ride was in awkward silence again.

I immediately went to the conference room.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sam. Hold this for me please." I said and gave her the box.

"I'm sorry sir for being late." I apologize to our client

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