Chapter 36: Where it all started

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Week before the wedding~

"Everything is prepared Hubby. All we need to do is to send these invitations." Lucy said while arranging the invitations in an envelope in their living room. Natsu went to Lucy's house together with Romeo and Happy. Natsu's siblings are playing video games together with Loke in the living room also. Ashley is in the kitchen helping Virgo to cook lunch for them.

Natsu and Lucy are preparing for their wedding this past month, but Natsu is still having anxiety about the wedding.

"Natsu! Are you okay?" Lucy called again because Natsu's mind is flying with his thoughts

"Huh what is it Wifey?" Natsu asked

"Thinking about the gang again?" Lucy said to her fiancé

"Yeah. It's been a long time since I saw them. I want to deliver these invitations to them personally." Natsu said while looking at the invitation at his hand

"Don't worry, I know they will forgive you. They will understand why you left, like I've understand you before. Besides past is past, I know the Lucky 13 will be reunited happily this time." Lucy said holding both Natsu's hand

"I hope so." Natsu said


After lunch Natsu and Lucy drive to Gray and Juvia's house.

"The last time I went here, Gray and I have a fight." Natsu said

"It's okay, you know Gray and I also know him. He'll forgive you and plus I want to see his and Juvia's kids." Lucy said and rings the doorbell

"Coming." Juvia said and walked through the door and opened it. "My, Lucy-san, Natsu-san! It's been a long time. Come in." Juvia said and hug Lucy and let them in.

"Who is that Juvia? Are you expecting visitors today?" Gray yelled from the living room

"Lucy-san and Natsu-san is here." Juvia said and Gray stood up from the sofa and approach Lucy and Natsu

"Gray! How are you doing?! Sorry I haven't paid you guys a visit. The company is really busy nowadays." Lucy said after she hugged Gray. They seated at the coach and Juvia's kids hides behind her back.

"Is this your kids now?" Lucy asked

"yeah. Go on, that's your Aunt Lucy." Juvia said and the kids slowly approach Lucy. The kids play with Lucy while Natsu and Gray leave the room.

"So you guys get together again huh?" Gray asked

"Yeah. She understands me, and I hope you do." Natsu said but Gray didn't respond.

"We are here just to drop this to you and Juvia." Natsu said and handed his wedding invitation to Gray.

"You're getting married?!" Gray and Juvia said because Lucy also tell it to Juvia

"Yeah...I know lot of things happened but I can't help it. I love him." Lucy said

"Juvia understands you Lucy-san." Juvia said

"I'm sorry about the last time Gray." Natsu apologizes

"That was nothing. I understand you now. I realize what you've done might be wrong but if it's for the god of both of you, I've tried to understand it all. I should be the one apologizing."

"Ugh! Can we just get back to how we used to?" Natsu asked

"No we can't because you've change a lot! The Natsu I know is nerd and shy...hahaha just kidding bro." Gray said and they bumped their fists together.

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