Chapter 22: Sam's Analysis

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Natsu's POV

I am now presenting our Winter Korean Collection with the American Investors and the Board of Directors. I am doing my best to present every design perfectly as possible. With this we can make the company more successful than before.

"That was brilliant. Importing designs from Korea will attract more customers especially our major target, the teenagers." One of the American Investor said while clapping. I'm glad that they like my presentation. Everyone in the conference room is clapping and they all like our collection.

The American Investors sign their contract formally to us. From now on they will continue to invest to our company until the end of the operating cycle. The Board of Directors praises me; they said that I might me greater than Zeref running this company.

"I couldn't have done this without everyone's help." I said and I look at my group that is assigned in this project. I saw Lucy with Sam and she looks so happy and proud of our team.


"Everyone this is our success and this calls for a celebration!" I yelp in the office with my team in this project. This team is the one that is assigned to reproduce the samples we brought and they also helped me with the presentation of each of the clothes. I asked Sam to gather members that is perfectly fitted for this job.

"Yeah!!!!" they yelled

"Alright this will be Sir. Natsu's treat for the night!!!" Sam screamed in enthusiasm

"What? Who says that I'm going to treat you guys." I said and they all give me a long face

"I was just kidding. Let's hit the road!"

We went to a restaurant and I already asked Lucy ahead to make a reservation for this in case we did the presentation perfectly. She chose the restaurant we are going to. I didn't even know what kind of restaurant it is, but the name of the restaurant is kinda weird. The Knight is the name of the restaurant.

We arrived at the restaurant with my team.

"It's my treat, order what you want and we are going to party tonight!" I yelled


A waitress came to our reserve room and takes our orders. While waiting for our orders to come, Sam talks about her hard work to finish renovating my office in the minimal time as possible.

"You are really nice than we expect Sir. Dragneel." Mike said. He is one of the coordinators of this project.

"Why did you say that?" I asked

"Because you are always yelling at me." Sam said and we all laugh

"That's just because you are doing thing inappropriately. I know you are just clumsy but I also know that you can do best in your job even more. I trust you Sam because you've been in this business before me." I said

"Wow. Sir... I didn't know you think of me like that! Thank you!!!" Sam cried and extremely hugs me. I look at Lucy looking at me and I just instantly push Sam away.

"I'm sorry Sir." Sam said and they all laugh

"Did you guys know that Sir. Natsu is a valedictorian during high school?" I was surprised that Lucy actually said that. I was embarrassed that she tell that to the team


"Ohh! Sir. Natsu is a genius after all." I just ignore their side comments about me. Good thing our drinks came in now. We order sake and beer. Our meal will be serving in a couple of minutes according to the waitress.

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