Chapter 18: Hero

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"Should we head back then? We are going to start working tomorrow. I'm going to introduce to you my friend here in Korea. He is the best designer here in Seoul, and his designs will surely amaze you." Lucy said.

"Okay." He? I wonder who this friend of her is.

After our stroll around town for the whole day, we head back to our hotel rooms. I want to finish this work as soon as possible so I can spend more time with Lucy without thinking about work. We still have 6 days left here in Korea.

I took off my winter coat and grab something from my pocket. It's a necklace in a small box that I brought earlier. The necklace has a star pendant with small gems around it. I just can't bring myself to give it to her earlier.

I close the box and put it on top of a small drawer beside the bed. I open my laptop and starts looking up status in the company from my email. I asked Sam to keep me always updated on what is happening in the company from time to time, and on how my renovation from my office is going.

As I check my emails from Sam my phone rings. I pick up my phone and I saw Ashley's name on screen. I immediately pick up her call.

"Hello Ashley?" I said and walk at the window of my room

"[Natsu. I need to talk to you in person. I'm going back in Japan in 5 days, it's really important.]" Ashley said and it seems that it's really serious

"Okay but I'm in Korea right now...with Lucy." I said and mumble Lucy's name

"[What are you doing in Korea?!]" she yelps

"I'm here for business Ashley. We are going to stay here for a week so we can just talk right now if that's really important." I said

"[I can't just tell it to you over the phone plus I need you and Lucy to talk this through.]"

"Lucy? Wait Ashley can you at least tell me what this is about?"

"[Just be back in Japan ASAP.]" she said and hang up

"Hey wait Ashley?! Hello?! Hello?!" Geez. What's wrong with her? But I'm still curios of what was that all about.

"Aghh. My head hurts all of a sudden." I went to the fridge to get a water bottle and to drink some medicine. I guess even though my motion sickness is healed, I can't still prevent to have headaches after a long ride in any transportation.


The next day Lucy and I went to the shop of her friend. His shop is huge and if all the clothes here are his design, he is truly a genius. They are all beautiful and I think they will be perfect for my collection.

"Ms. Lucy, the master will be here any minute now." A sales lady in a maid suit approaches Lucy. I didn't know that maid outfits are also famous here in Korea.

"Lucy! Long time no see! How are you?" A man came out from a room in the shop and suddenly hugs Lucy. He's the same height as mine and he also have a blond hair. His bangs is covering his forehead and his presence somewhat boils my blood.

"I'm fine and I would like to ask you a help in our project." Lucy said. They are talking in Korean by the way.

"Before that why don't we have a chat first in my coffee shop." The man said. And somewhat I felt left out. -_-

"You have a coffee shop now?" Lucy said in surprise. She looks really happy to see him. I wish I get to see that smile when we met for a long time.

"Yeah it's just across the street see!" He said and pointed out behind my back. Lucy look back and so do I. The coffee shop has the same name as this store; they just put a café in the name.

"Hero's Café huh?!" I mumble

"Sure." Lucy said accepting his offer with joy

"By the way is he with you? Is he your body guard or your EA or something? I heard your company is a big shot now in Tokyo." That guy said whispering in Lucy's ear. I can hear you, you know. Do I look like a body guard to you?! I cross my eyebrows and glares at him.

"Hey Hero! Don't be rude. Ahahaha I'm sorry for that Sir. Dragneel. He's really a funny guy who loves to kid around." Lucy said apologizing in his behalf

"Sir?" he said

"I'm sorry I forgot to introduce my boss to you. Hero, this is Natsu Dragneel my boss. Sir. Dragneel, this is Kim Jaejoong my friend and the man who will help us in our project." Lucy introduced this Jaejoong guy to me. I offer my hand to him for a formal hand shake.

"H-he's your boss?! I thought you are the CEO of your company?!" he said ignoring my hand. This guys is a pain in the ass.

"Just take his hand!" Lucy whisper yelled

"O-Oh. N-Nice to meet you Mr. Dragneel." He said in Japanese. I guess this guy knows to speak Nihonggo too. He shakes my hand and after we shake hands I just keep my head cool down.

"Let's talk this over in your café. Shall we?" Lucy said


Lucy explains her reason of working under me and our business her with him.

"I can't believe you Lucy. You're really an unpredictable person." Jaejoong said

"Don't say that Hero." Lucy said sounding like he is flirting with this guy now. My head is really pounding with anger right now.

"ehem." I cleared my throat and that caught their attention as planned "I just noticed that you keep on calling him Hero. You said your name is Kim Jaejoong right?" I said and take a sip on my coffee

"Ahahaha that was my nickname. You can call me Hero if you want, Natsu." He said and narrows his eyes on me. What's wrong with this guy?

"Don't get too familiar Hero." Lucy scolded him

"I was just kidding." He said and laughs. Lucy is seated beside him and she smack Jaejoong on his shoulder. I look like a third wheel now just by looking at this two. This guy really pisses me off.

After we talk about other things inside the café, we head back to the boutique.

"Choose any style you want and I can give you a sample for each of the clothes you want to put in your collection." Jaejoong said

"Lucy I leave it to you. Besides you know more about this fashion stuffs more than I do." I said

"Okay Sir." she said

"Uh...Sir. Dragneel can I talk to you for a minute?" Jaejoong approach me with his hands on his pocket. I fix my suit "Alright, where do you want to talk."

"In my office if you please." He said nicely

"Sure." I accept whatever he wants to talk about

"Take your time Lucy." Jaejoong said

"Where are you going?"

"I just want to talk to your boss."


"It's okay Lucy just finish that list."

"O-Okay sir." she said and we both head upstairs.


To be continued...

What could it be that Jaejoong wants to talk about to Natsu? Find out in the next chapter. ^_^

Keep supporting minna!!! I want to see Ashley on the scene now! Do you?

By the way Jaejoong here is the same Kim Jaejoong in TVXQ.

Vote and Comment minna!!!


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