Chapter 28: Sorry

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"So you are telling me that you separate the two because of Natsu's father being an ex-convict? What does it have to do with Natsu and Lucy?! Will it affect your reputation huh?" Ashley was really furious while talking to her father in a hospital bed.

"Yes and that's not all the reason why do I need to separate them. I just can't take to bear that it's the son of the man I hated the most that Lucy loves. He killed my son." Jude said and Ashley was kept silence because of it. Jude told Ashley everything about what happened in the past and his grudge against Igneel.

"The moment I heard about Natsu's surname, I got shivers throughout my body. I investigate Natsu's background and family and when I found out about Natsu's father is Igneel, that was the time I come up with the plan of having my daughter and he separated. I lied to him because I know that the kid didn't know about his father's past."

"Do you know you're such a horrible person? You didn't change at all. I know you are also behind it all when I'm in a relationship with Xander. Don't ever ask how I knew about it because he is the one that told me everything. You threaten them both for that little act. I should know that this thing is coming too for Lucy when the time comes. I thought you've change because you welcomed Natsu the way he is. And look at you now, your little lie became real and we don't know when will you last for real.

I can't believe Natsu would fall for this kind of trap. You're such a good actor that Natsu fall for your tricks." Ashley said and laughed all her might.

"I'm sorry Ashley. I'm only protecting my daughters."

"Protecting? Protecting from who? For the man we love? Papa we are not kids anymore that needs protection. We have our own lives now and we can think and choose freely on the man we want to be with our lives. You ruined a good relationship, do you know that?"

"I-I-I'm truly sorry." Jude said and tears are started to escape his eyes

"You don't have anything to apologize to me but to Lucy and Natsu."


"So all of that was just an act?" Natsu said

"Yes and I really can think how dumb you are on not noticing about that very important detail. Just who can tell their lifespan with that very long time?"

"I do find it weird at first but I just ignore it because Uncle Jude really is sick the last time we saw each other." Natsu said

"So you mean you are not living with my Dad?" Lucy asked

"No. Ever since I came in America, I live in a dorm and then eventually move in to Zeref's house. During those times I haven't seen or reach Uncle Jude. All I know is that he is looking for doctors all over the world for his sickness cure."

"How can a sick person do that all by himself huh?" Ashley said

"I know he is not alone because of his assistants."

"So that was a set up." Lucy mumble

"Set up?" Natsu asked

"The time I saw you kissing another girl." Lucy said

"I told you right! I don't know that girl and she just kissed me right in front of my friends." Natsu said

"I'm sorry Natsu for doubting you. I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I'm sorry for everything." Lucy said and hugs Natsu tightly

"Shhh...shhh... I should be the one apologizing. Lucy I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the reason I'm going. I'm sorry that I leave you without even saying goodbye. I'm sorry for being self-fish. I'm sorry for being a coward and a jerk. I'm sorry for making you wait. I'm sorry for making you cry. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry that I've listen to your father. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I did all of that, it's because I truly love you Lucy. I really do." Natsu said hugging Lucy tightly in his arms while tears keep on falling in both of their eyes.

"I'm glad that the truth has been told. I thought I may not hold you like this again." Natsu said

"Thank you Ashley for being there always." Lucy said

"I'm doing this because I love you guys." Ashley said and joined the group hug

"Can we visit Uncle Jude?" Natsu asked

"Yes Ashley I want to see Dad's condition also." Lucy said

"Are you sure you two are ready to face him?" Ashley asked

"Yes I am. And nothing will change even if I hold a grudge against your father for doing these things. I just need to talk to him." Natsu said

"If that's what you want. We can leave for tomorrow."

"Okay. I'm just really glad that everything is fixed now." Lucy said

"Almost." Natsu said and break with the two

"Where are you going?" Lucy asked

"I need to talk to my father first." Natsu said and went in to his car.

"Thank you very much Ashley." Lucy said and hugs her sister


To be continued...

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