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Cronus Romano

Fire was busy admiring the view, while I was busy admiring her. I'd been to this place countless times before, I know more than anyone how amazing this place is. But tonight, all of it paled in comparison to the sight before me. Fire, lost in the moment, completely at ease, was the best view I've seen so far in my life. 

She wasn't the fierce, guarded woman I'd come to know; she was free, unburdened, almost innocent in her happiness. It was a rare glimpse into the person she kept hidden from the world, the person I'd been desperate to see.

Watching her like this, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride, in a sense that somehow been a part of it, that I had brought her to this moment of pure, unfiltered joy. Her smile was contagious, spreading a warm feeling through my chest that had nothing to do with the cool night air.

"You like it that much?" I asked, leaning against the balcony. She looked at me, surprised, as if she'd forgotten I was there. I couldn't help but chuckle.

She smiled, then turned back to the view. "I always wondered why this place is so expensive," she said, taking a deep breath of the cool night air. "You rich kids have been keeping this to yourselves."

"It wouldn't be special if everyone can have it," I replied, trying to keep my tone light. I wanted to reach out, to hold her close, but I knew that would be a bad idea. "The food here is also delicious. Should we head inside?"

"Can we eat out here?" she asked, her eyes almost pleading. How could I say no to this.

"Whatever you want," I said, slipping off my suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders. She flinched slightly at the gesture, then quickly looked away, trying to hide the blush creeping up her face. "I'll go get Fredrico."

Leaving the balcony, I found Fredrico and told him we'd be dining outside. The staff quickly set up our table. "Fredrico, can you bring me a blanket too?" I asked, and he nodded before leaving to fulfill the request.

As I waited, I couldn't help but replay what happened during the car ride. I felt guilty for lashing out of nowhere but I cant help but get furious by what just happened.

The truth about Fire's dad was like a punch to the gut. Knowing he left them to go back with his first family, leaving Nancy and Fire as the afterthought, made my blood boil. I wasn't sure if they even knew, but the idea of Fire seeing me as anything like her father made my skin crawl. The thought alone was unbearable. I'll fucking make, sure she never had a reason to think like that about me, ever again.

Fredrico returned with the blanket, and I took it, heading back to the balcony where Fire was still standing, lost in her thoughts. I draped the blanket over the back of her chair, ready for when she'd sit down, and then took my place beside her.

She turned to me, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice carrying a warmth that contrasted with the cool evening air.

"Anything for you." I said with all sincerity but she just chuckled.

"I'm starting to think you're slowly losing your mind over me, Cronus," she said, her voice carrying a hint of teasing disbelief. She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly as she pulled my suit jacket tighter around her shoulders. "I haven't even made an effort yet, and here you are, pulling out gestures that make me wonder if you've actually fallen."

I laughed, amused by her seriousness, though she had no idea how unnecessary her efforts were. She didn't need to try so hard. Everything I was doing, and everything I planned to do, was driven by one simple fact—I liked her.

Before she even decided to make me fall for her, before she set her sights on claiming me, I was already certain. I already knew I wanted her too, and I was determined to pursue her with everything I had.

I flicked her forehead, then smile "Silly" I said and pulled her into an embrace, I couldn't hel out much longer. I want to feel her warmth on me. smell her scent like a mad dog, smelling it's owner.

I flicked her forehead gently, a playful smile tugging at my lips. "Silly," I murmured, then pulled her into an embrace, unable to resist any longer.

The need to feel her warmth against me was overwhelming, like a fire I couldn't extinguish. Her scent filled my senses—sweet, familiar, intoxicating. It was like a mad dog finally finding solace in the scent of its owner, grounding me in a way nothing else could.

"Let's eat," I said, guiding her to the table. She sat down, and I took the seat across from her.

She draped the blanket over her legs, then took off my jacket, handing it back to me.

"Take this, it's cold," she said casually.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Do you want to sit on my lap to warm me up?" I teased, watching as her expression shifted to a glare, noticing the staff serving food, trying to hide their awkward smiles. She was clearly embarrassed.

"Just freeze to death, then," she shot back, slipping my jacket back on. I laughed, knowing she always had to have the last word. That fire in her—it never dimmed.

As the food arrived, we began eating and enjoying dinner, exchanging laughs and playful teasing. The night was perfect, and I found myself genuinely enjoying her company, she always exceeds more than my expectations. After dinner, I drove Fire home.

"I had a great time, Cronus," she said, standing in front of me as I leaned against my car, hands casually in my pockets.

"I did too," I replied, straightening up. "Get inside, I'll go after"

But before I could move, Fire surprised me by pulling me close, planting a quick kiss on my cheek. I was caught off guard, and a smile crept across my face.

"See you tomorrow," she whispered softly, turning and walking inside her house. I watched her go, my mind went blank, but the tingling sensation in my stomach was exploding. I couldn't believe after all this years I can still feel jittery by a single kiss. It's not even on the lips.

for fuck's sake.

On my way back home, my phone rang. I answered, putting it on speaker while I drove.

"Hello, Dad?" I greeted him.

"Hello, son. How was work?" he asked, his tone hinting that there was more on his mind.

"Everything is going well," I answered honestly.

"I heard you're hosting a networking party?"

"Yes, I wanted to meet the investors and some key people in the industry."

"I think that's a great idea. I was just calling to let you know that Senior Rossi will be attending." Senior Rossi, my father's long-time business partner—it wasn't a surprise he'd show up.

"Are you not coming?" I asked.

"No, your mother's been sick," he paused. "But your brother and the twins will be there."

"Alright, Dad."

"I need to go, son. Take care," he said, and with that, the call ended.

As I continued driving, my thoughts drifted back to Fire and that unexpected kiss. If taking her to dinner and driving her home gets me that, then I'll gladly do it again and again. There was something about the way she leaned in, the softness of her lips against my cheek, that made every effort worth it.

Fire's finally starting to lower her defenses, showing a glimmer of trust. I'm determined to keep chipping away at the walls she's built, craving that deeper connection with her.

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