Episode 26: leave the fighting to the professionals

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Fire Rose Hillson

I found myself waiting in Cronus' office the next morning, the leather chair underneath me both comforting and intimidating. I couldn't help but feel a sense of security here, surrounded by Cronus's books, his oak desk, and the faint scent of his cologne that always seemed to linger in the air. I was anxious but determined. Today, I would make my decision known to Nicholas.

Cronus was pacing behind his desk, his eyes flicking to me every so often with concern. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" he asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

I nodded firmly. "Yes, we already talked about this."

Just then, my phone buzzed. It was Nicholas.

I took a deep breath and answered. "Nicholas?"

"Yes, its me, where should we meet?" he sounded tired.

"Let's talk here at Cronus's office." I stated firmly.

"What? No."

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Otherwise, there's no conversation to be had." There was a pause on the other end.

"Rose, come on. Can't we meet somewhere neutral? This feels like a setup," Nicholas complained, his tone a mix of irritation and desperation.

"Neutral?" I replied, my voice steady. "After everything that's happened, you think I trust you enough to meet on neutral ground? No, Nicholas. It's Cronus's office or nothing."

I heard a heavy sigh. "Fine. I suppose you think this makes you safe or something."

"It's not about feeling safe," I said, trying to keep my temper in check. "It's about setting boundaries. If you really want to talk, you'll do it on my terms." I lied, yes I felt safer here.

Another pause, longer this time. I could almost hear the wheels turning in his head. "Alright, alright," he finally conceded, sounding annoyed.

As soon as the call ended, Cronus's hand was on my shoulder, squeezing gently. "I'll be right outside. Scream if you need anything," he whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I couldn't help but chuckle, despite the tension.

"Thanks, Cronus. I appreciate it," I replied, watching him leave. The office felt larger and emptier without him in it.

Minutes later, Nicholas walked in, all swagger and arrogance, a smirk plastered on his face. "Well, well, if it isn't Rose, holding court in Cronus's office. You really know how to pick your spots, don't you?"

"So, you wanted to talk," I began, crossing my arms. "Let's hear it."

Nicholas leaned forward, a glint in his eye. "It's simple, Rose. We should pretend to get back together, then set up a meeting with the Camiraz family to secure the business deal."

"Absolutely not, Nicholas. I can't even stand being in the same room with you, let alone pretend to be together again. It's a terrible idea." I refused immediately, my voice firm.

He scowled, frustration evident. "Why not? It's just an act, Rose. Please help me out."

My eyes narrowed. "Help you? You really have the balls to ask that do you, ok let's just say I'll help you do you think Cronus would just sit down and allow it? he'd probably kill you before it even happened."

Nicholas scoffed, but there was a flicker of doubt in his eyes. "Cronus doesn't have to know. We can keep it quiet."

I shook my head, my resolve unshaken. "I'm not lying to him, and I'm definitely not risking our safety for your schemes. It's not happening, Nicholas. Not now, not ever."

I took a pause and calmed myself down before continuing "And we're talking about the mafia, Nicholas. I'm not getting involved with them. I have a life and plans, and none of them include becoming a pawn in your father's schemes."

He scowled, his demeanor shifting from charming to menacing. "Rose, please. My mother is in danger. You have the connections, the ability to make this right. I'm begging" 

"Make it right?" I snapped. "Since when is involving the mafia making anything right? I won't do it."

Nicholas's eyes flashed with anger. "You think you can just walk away from this? Do you know what my father will do to us? To you, if you don't help?"

I stood my ground, my voice steady. "Yes, Nicholas, I do. And I'm sorry for what you're going through, but I can't and won't be a part of it."

Just then, the door burst open, and Cronus stormed in, his eyes blazing. "That's enough," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Nicholas turned to face Cronus, his expression twisted with anger and frustration. "Oh, look, the knight in shining armor. Here to save the damsel in distress?" he sneered.

Cronus's eyes narrowed, and without another word, he lunged at Nicholas. The force of the impact sent both of them crashing to the ground, fists flying. I watched in shock as they grappled, each trying to gain the upper hand.

Cronus threw a powerful punch that connected with Nicholas's jaw, sending him reeling backward. "You don't get to come in here and terrorize her," Cronus spat, his voice filled with fury.

Nicholas, though bloodied, wasn't ready to back down. He wiped the blood from his mouth and lunged back at Cronus, tackling him to the floor. "You think you can keep her safe? You don't know what you're dealing with!" he shouted, raining blows down on Cronus.

But Cronus was stronger and more determined. He caught Nicholas's arm mid-swing and twisted it, flipping their positions. Now Cronus was on top, pinning Nicholas down with an iron grip. "This ends now," Cronus growled, his face inches from Nicholas's.

Nicholas struggled, but Cronus's strength and resolve were unyielding. "Let me go!" Nicholas yelled, thrashing beneath Cronus.

"Not a chance," Cronus said, his voice calm but deadly. "I  promise myself if you ever put Rose in danger again, I'll end you. I don't care if it's going to be jail time for me. I've been holding back since you slapped her, but I'm not letting you slip away this time."

At that moment, I snapped out of my shock and screamed for Jack, Cronus's assistant. "Jack! Help! Get security!"

Within moments, Jack and several security personnel burst into the office. They pulled a struggling Nicholas to his feet and began dragging him out. "You'll regret this, Rose! You hear me? You'll regret it!" he shouted over his shoulder as he was hauled away.

As the door closed behind them, the room fell into a tense silence. I rushed to Cronus, who was breathing heavily, his fists still clenched. "Are you okay?" I asked, gently guiding him to sit down.

I was shaken by what had just happened. Even though Cronus had clearly been in control, it was a different experience seeing someone I cared about in a fight. Fear for his safety had overwhelmed me, and now that the danger had passed, I felt anger and tears welled up inside me.

"Do you have any idea how scared I was?" I scolded Cronus, my voice trembling as tears streamed down my face. "Something could have happened to you!"

Cronus smiled softly and pulled me into a comforting hug. "I'm sorry, Love. I had to protect you. But I'm here, and everything's okay now."

Feeling the warmth of his embrace, I allowed myself to relax. As we part from the embrace Cronus throws a little joke "Looks like I need to work on my brawling skills."

I chuckle the tension finally easing. "But next time leave the fighting to the professionals, shall we?"

As the adrenaline began to fade, I realized that, despite everything, I felt relieved. I had faced Nicholas and made my stand. I know more problems are coming but I'm confident that I can overcome them one by one.

"Let's go home," Cronus said softly, his hand finding mine. "We've had enough drama for one day."

I nodded, ready to leave the chaos behind.

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