Episode 22: Calm before the storm

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Fire Rose Hillson

When Seth and I entered the grand hall, we were greeted by Cronus, who looked worried. "What took you so long?" he asked, his eyes scrutinizing me closely.

Seth was just about to explain that Nicholas had tried to confront me again, but I subtly stopped him with a quick glance. Seth caught on immediately and remained silent. "My mom called," I said swiftly, trying to sound casual. "She had some urgent news, and I had to step outside to take the call. That's why it took a bit longer than expected." I explained Cronus nodded gently satisfied with my alibi  "Alright," he said softly. "I want you to meet my brothers formally."

I nodded, and Seth made an excuse to leave. "I think I saw Gerald looking for me," he said. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

As  Cronus and I made our way toward his family, I noticed Caterina standing beside his brothers. My heart pounded, but I forced a confident smile, determined not to be intimidated by her beauty. I believed in myself and hoped that Cronus's brothers would like me somehow.

Cronus introduced me to everyone. First up was Crius. The young boy's eyes widened with amazement, and he blurted out, "You're really beautiful!"

I knelt to his level and replied playfully, "Thank you, Crius. You're quite handsome yourself." His face lit up with a big smile, and I felt a warmth spread through me. I always had a soft spot for kids, and it seemed Crius was no exception.

Next, it was Themis's turn. I stood up, and Themis took my hand, gently placing a kiss on it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rose," he said, his tone smooth and a bit too charming. I saw Cronus's jaw tighten slightly and couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.

Finally, to Caterina the only person I'm looking forward to meeting tonight. please take the hint of my sarcasm "Rose, this is Caterina. Caterina, this is Rose, my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend." The word hung in the air, creating a ripple of surprise that seemed to stun not only me but also Cronus's brothers. Crius's eyes went wide with shock and excitement as he exclaimed, "Girlfriend?" His voice echoed in the grand hall, drawing even more attention to the moment. Themis, always quick on his feet, covered Crius's mouth with his hand, grinning mischievously as if he enjoyed the unfolding drama.

Amidst the reactions, Caterina composed herself with practiced grace. She extended her hand to me, her smile polite yet not quite reaching her eyes. "Nice to meet you, Rose," she said, her tone cordial but carrying a hint of disappointment. 

I shook her hand, meeting her gaze steadily, determined to show her my confidence. "Nice to meet you too, Caterina," I replied warmly, adding a sincere smile. "I've heard a lot about you."

Caterina's smile tightened just a fraction, a flicker of unreadable emotion passing through her eyes. "All good things, I hope," she responded, her tone light yet it was on edge. She released my hand, her gaze lingering on me for a moment longer before she turned her attention back to Cronus, her expression smoothing into one of composed elegance. The atmosphere remained charged, but I felt a small victory in maintaining my poise.

Cronus said to Caterina, his voice firm but polite. "I thought you left."

Before Caterina could respond, Themis stepped in smoothly. "I made her stay."

Cronus simply nodded, clearly not wanting to discuss the situation any further. He turned back to me, squeezing my hand gently. "shall we enjoy the rest of our night?," he said softly, his eyes full of warmth.

I felt a flutter in my chest at his words, but I remained on guard. Nicholas's threatening presence still lingered in my mind. I knew I had to stay strong, not just for myself but for the sake of this event just a few hours left and everything will be done.

As the night went on, I found myself more at ease with Cronus's family. We laughed, shared stories, and slowly, I felt like I belonged. Crius was particularly sweet, constantly engaging me in conversation, while Themis seemed to enjoy pushing Cronus's buttons with his overly polite demeanor. Gerald and Alexandra were warm and welcoming, making sure I felt comfortable.

Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that Nicholas was lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike again. Caterina's presence was also a constant reminder of the complexities of Cronus's past.

But for now, in this moment, surrounded by Cronus and his family, I allowed myself to bask in the warmth of the evening. Despite the uncertainties lurking, there was a sense of peace in knowing that tonight Cronus shared something he valued the most to me, his family. 

As Cronus held my hand, a flicker of anticipation danced in my heart. My gut tells me this would be the last night of my peaceful life. Is this what they say,  the calm before the storm? I hope I'm wrong , but whatever it is this is gonna be interesting.

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