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Cronus Romano

I let out a low chuckle, as I watched Fire pull her little stunt. The room's focus shifted toward me, but I didn't flinch. If she thought she'd see me sweat, she'd have to do better than this. I casually unbuttoned my suit jacket, straightened my shoulders, and strode toward the stage like I owned the place—it seems like my girl is underestimating me.

Taking the microphone, I shot Fire a glance that said more than words could. Watch me.

"Thank you, Fire, for that... warm introduction," I drawled, my voice smooth but edged with something sharper. "And thank you to everyone for being here tonight. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Cronus Romano, just a guy from Italy who somehow ended up at the center of this networking event. But hey, I'm glad to be here." I paused, letting the weight of the room settle, then cracked a grin.

"When Fire mentioned this party, I thought my biggest responsibility would be to make sure the wine didn't run out, maybe keep the place from falling apart. You know, low-pressure stuff." The crowd chuckled, and I felt the shift, their interest piqued. They were mine now.

"But, as it turns out, hosting a party requires more than just looking good and showing up." My tone was light, but there was an edge of confidence, drawing in another round of laughter.

I glanced around the room, making brief eye contact with a few people, then added with a wry grin, "I've also heard whispers that someone's going to try to pitch the 'next big thing' to me tonight, so... good luck with that." More laughter, some heads nodding, as I leaned into the casual, yet authoritative vibe I knew worked for me.

"But honestly," my tone dropped into something more serious, yet still light enough to hold their attention, "tonight isn't just about making deals. It's about getting to know the people behind them. Building relationships, not just contacts. So, let's enjoy the night for what it is—new opportunities, new faces, and maybe even a little fun."

I raised my glass slightly, locking eyes with Fire one more time, as if daring her to try again. "Cheers to all of you. Let's make tonight one to remember."

The sound of clinking glasses and scattered cheers echoed through the room as I stepped down from the stage. Fire stood waiting for me, arms crossed, looking very impressed. I felt pride surge through my entire body.

I raised an eyebrow, shrugging with a smirk. "What?"

"Nothing," she replied, shrugging casually but with that smile pulling at the corners of her lips. She wasn't fooling anyone.

"You thought I'd crack under pressure, didn't you?" I asked, slipping my hands into my pockets, my gaze steady on her. "You're wrong, Rose."

The instant blush that spread across her cheeks caught me off guard, and her eyes widened just slightly. Cute. Way too cute for someone trying to play hardball.

"Why? You like being called Rose?" I teased, "My Rose?" She blushed even further, I'm so enjoying this. I leaned in just enough to catch the way she tried to look anywhere but at me. Her silence was telling, her darting gaze even more so.

Before I could push further, a voice cut through the tension between us. "Cronus."

I turned, finding Themis approaching with someone I'd been expecting tonight—Nicholas Montero. Just as planned.

"Brother," I greeted Themis with a grin, pulling him into a quick hug before turning my attention to Nicholas. "Nicholas Montero," Themis introduced, as if I didn't already know the man. Still, I played along, turning toward Nicholas with a polite nod, extending my hand.

"Nice to meet you," Nicholas said, shaking my hand firmly. His grip was strong, but not enough to be a threat. Not to me.

I turned slightly, catching Fire's gaze locked onto Nicholas like she was about to set him on fire with just a look. That smile on her face didn't hide the intensity behind it.

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