Episode 43: Insane, but brilliant

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Cronus Romano

The night settled over my apartment like a heavy, suffocating blanket. I could feel the weight of unresolved questions pressing against my chest, making it hard to breathe. Gerald and Seth had agreed to stay the night, and I was grateful for their presence. We were going to piece this puzzle together, no matter how convoluted it seemed.

Gerald sauntered over to my bar, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "How about we pop some champagne, lighten the mood a bit?" he suggested, already reaching for a bottle.

Seth, meanwhile, was glued to the PlayStation, his fingers flying over the controller with practiced ease. I envied his ability to find a distraction, however temporary.

I, on the other hand, couldn't stop my mind from racing. I sat at the dining table, a blank sheet of paper in front of me. Taking a deep breath, I began to jot down the names and connections we had so far: Rose, Catrina, and Mr. Tan.

Gerald wandered over, peering at my scribbles. "Who's Mr. Tan?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Head of security at the museum," I replied casually, though my mind was anything but casual. "Why would Catrina be talking to him? She doesn't work in the museum, doesn't have any legitimate reason to interact with him."

Gerald raised an eyebrow, mirroring my own thoughts. "That is odd," he mused. "Could be she's up to something."

"Exactly," I said, frustration creeping into my voice. "But what? And why?"

"Hey don't ask me, I'm too stupid for that shit." He said scratching the back of his head then he pulled out his phone, "But I have her address" he said, showing me the screen. "But how do we get more information without tipping her off?"

I turned to Seth, who had paused his game and was now listening intently. "Seth, can you hack into her apartment's security system?"

Seth smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Piece of cake," he said. "But I need to be near the area to do it effectively."

"Is that all you need?" Seth nodded in response. "Ok let's go."

The night was chilly as we approached Catrina's apartment building. It was a sleek, modern complex, its facade a stark contrast to the gritty urban landscape surrounding it. We parked a few blocks away, not wanting to draw any attention.

Seth set up his equipment in the backseat of my car, fingers flying over his laptop's keyboard. The glow from the screen illuminated his face, casting eerie shadows. Gerald and I watched, our breaths fogging up the windows.

"Almost there," Seth muttered, his eyes never leaving the screen. "Just need to bypass a few more security protocols... and... I'm in."

"Great," I said, my heart pounding. "What do you see?"

"Give me a sec," Seth replied, his fingers dancing over the keys. "Pulling up the security footage now."

"Oh, fuck" Seth muttered in his breath. He turned his laptop to us and a familiar face showed up.


The worst part was Catrina, sitting on his lap. A wave of anger and disbelief crashed over me, leaving me shaking. My mind struggled to process the betrayal, and I found myself unable to move, paralyzed by the shock. It felt as if a bucket of ice had been poured over me, freezing me in place. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a painful reminder of the trust that had been shattered.

Seth, noticing my reaction, placed a steadying hand on my shoulder. "Cronus, we should head home for now," he suggested gently, his voice filled with concern. I could barely nod in response, my thoughts a chaotic whirlwind.

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